Do tell us why there are no updates for Lord Xue Ying, The Nine Cauldrons, others.
Notice when translators take a break
At least an update like: "Hey guys & gals, won't be able to update for a week or two due to personal issues or w/e." At least then people aren't wasting time checking every day for updates. Then getting angry due to expectations not being met.
It's like they only write novels to get money and once they have enough, they leave the novel hanging.
So they are all on break and didn't get into an accident?
Agree. We need a place for translator to leave message for ready.
Or QI put notice if translator change or leaving for good
Just writing a comment to latest chapter would be more then enough ...
Like i'm reading Reverend Insanity now and i constantly notice translator comments
Trafford's club' translator also disappeared without a word. It's been 10 days. Seriously just a simple sentence of I won't be uploading for a whe would've been fine.
It gets frustrating when I check in daily and out of nowhere I have nothing to read and no timeline when I should come back and check if there’s stuff to read
I’d be fired many times over if I randomly took days off every other week without informing anyone
Some for love chain and blood tears no update for two weeks don't know why .
Anarchic consort stop updating too. Its been a month already.
starsari Welcome to Webnovels/Qidian.
It is a community where the @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL and @Webnovel_Staff will read your comments, but will not make any committed replies.
On the off chance that they do reply, it would simply be something airy and noncommittal. Something along the lines like "thank you for you support blah blah", but you will never get a dateline out of them. At least I never did
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starsari They are hired over the Internet. If they vanish, the only way is to go through a legal route to 'find' them. That is even more impossible and the time it takes will be even longer.
And as mentioned before, how long is this leeway supposed to be? So the TL disappears for a week, and Webnovel actually starts to look for a TL to take over the book, and this old TL appears again. What happens next? Do you want a totally new TL who doesn't know this story at all do it or let the old TL continue, despite the sudden disappearance.
Also, if they told you that their father or mother died and were in great grief to not actually come and send a message, do you expect Webnovel's staff to be so inhumane? And if they actually just cook up a reason, are you expecting a death certificate to be provided to prove it? What if it was true?
CKtalon if a translator does get fired, can Webnovel at least put up a notice that they are looking for a replacement and the novel will be on hiatus in the meantime? I think in this case, it should be very reasonable for Webnovel to know that there will be no translator for the series. This kind of notice would have been nice to see for any of the fan translations that have been ceased indefinitely.
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CKtalon I disagree with you about the death in the family. Even in a more traditional job, if there is a death in the family, you call in. You might have a little leeway, 2-3 days, but then you call in. If you have a family emergency and have to get on a 14-hour flight to another country, you email or text someone in the company to let someone know. Being gone for a few days with no word, while annoying can be accepted. Weeks and months with nary a word is unacceptable regardless of the reason. Unless you have literally fallen off the map, been kidnapped by militant guerrillas or have had your hands broken and your jaw wired shut preventing you from texting, writing, or using voice commands, I can't really see much of anyone being considerate about these long and sometimes frequent absences.
I can live with 1 chapter a week. I wouldn't like it, but at least it would mean forward progress towards the end of the novel. I'd even be fine with a once a month batch of 10 chapters for example if it was known ahead of time that this was the manner in which this or that particular translator released. Sure I'd love to get 3 chapters a day like RWX used to do, but frankly that's an unreasonable expectation.
I want to be compassionate about problems a translator may have in their life. Admittedly my compassion is more about patting them on the back so they'll get back to the job they are being paid to do, but still. At some point it has to be acknowledged that a service is being offered and then left unfulfilled. Either the translator needs to communicate with his audience or Webnovel needs to communicate with the readers. Otherwise if this continues they'll lose what market share they have currently. They aren't exactly the behemoth in English speaking countries that they are in China to my knowledge.
I would also accept the possibility that during their translation they discovered the secret world of cultivators(in what way, take your pick) and have begun closed-door cultivation without thought for how it might concern the rest of us. In which case they need to share. At the very least share with me. The rest of you..... meh.
**I reserve the right to edit this at a later date if I realize I've stuck my foot in my mouth. (tastes like bbq)
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Of course terminating staff/contractors is easier than recruitment, but what the OP and other readers hope for is communication/transparency about a novel's translation status in order to adjust expectations or be understanding about delays.
No info or status flag/post/update leaves readers hanging and frustrated (when frustrated, I lose faith in financially supporting the platform by buying SS).
I also made a forum post to suggest adding a status section on a novels' details/description page (maybe a flag) ...
At least the average weekly release schedule or quota reverts to 0/week after 30 days of missed releases, but would still appreciate a flag/heading that can state whether translator is MIA, terminated, official/ authorized hiatus, or pending recruitment....