505,800 views with 1198 collections.
My ration is 422:1
I just hope to get featured at this point.. hehehe... I'm hoping for more promotions to increase my collections :(
505,800 views with 1198 collections.
My ration is 422:1
I just hope to get featured at this point.. hehehe... I'm hoping for more promotions to increase my collections :(
Hello guys. Right now I'm freaking out.
In my new novel I got from 150 collections to 618 in less than 3 days.
Ratio: 64:1
GreatSage_Master1 Awesome!
I have 2,740 something views and 8 collections, which gives a ratio of approx 350:1 for a new novel, with like just 9 chapters.
I do not know how these statistics work...It that good for a rookie?
mysterious_being Yes, in the 300s is good, rookie or not.
Chryiss Ditto !!!
Funny thing I noticed recently after I updated some of my stories. Except for MWTL, I've lost a few collections for my tree and BTS story. With the latter, I gain some and then lose a couple, but I'm baffled by the former since I updated twice with nice long updates after a month. I guess they didn't like the two chapters? XD
Chryiss Reader trends can be unpredictable sometimes, since readers themselves can be that way.
Then there's technical glitches that see books readded. I've had to do that with some of the books I read when the sync goes out of order.
I'm going to track my stats monthly as this would give me a better indication of reader interest. At the moment, I haven't introduced any new content, so most of my book counts haven't moved. To be expected.
I'm fretting over the increase of interest in To Like A Man. Surely people can see this is a dropped book and I've even advertised it as such, why so many new adds? This is my fastest mover (which isn't a lot btw).
I started yesterday and it gathered 1, 417 views and 13 collections, with a ratio of 109:1
And I think this is a good start
And here I come to drop my collection to views ratio.
Currently I have 1026 collections with 13 chapters. I´m quite satisfied because I have started this novel about ten days ago.
102000 views and 1026 collections= 99.4 ratio. I´m really happy with that.
GreatSage_Master1 Double digit ratio is always nice. :grin:
GreatSage_Master1 I know the reason why your ratio is very good.
When you write popular fan fiction, you gather tons of exposer and fan base, example Broly The Saiyan of Legend got 3 million views with over 7k collections.
If the author transition into original authentic novels, they will gain tons of views and collections easily with the existing fan base.
The same thing can be applied to you.
You already got a very popular fan fiction with over a million views, with that existing fan base, It's not surprising you got a very good ratio with little chapters.
It's a very smart way of advertisement.
Enlightened_Being Oof. That makes sense. Maybe I should've waited to upload my serious work of fiction to Webnovel after creating my fan fiction. XD Of course, I wouldn't know that the contest would be held and that the fan fic would be popular. But in that hypothetical, at least I would have had more prewritten chapters to update more than once a week by that time. Meh, we'll see if I ever make another fiction on WN that this strategy works for me and this particular fandom lol.
Hyowha Sorry, I was asked to create a new one since the old one was taking too long with post loading. Forums couldn't keep up with it. I linked in the original, but didn't really think much else I needed to do.
Sorry if it felt like an attack, it was trying to keep the thread you started going.
I think someone made a short-lived thread on this, but I can't for the life of me find it, so I might as well ask here since it's related to book stats.
I found it interesting because most of mine are from US, but my Big Hit book has a lot of Filipino readers I think because they like k-pop a lot.
Since the top three are always from the same countries, I guess the more interesting demographic are the two countries listed afterwards.
My World To Live:
US 32.7%
PH 14.3%
IN 7.1%
AU 6.1% <---
NG 4.1% <---
OTHER 35.7%
RE: Life as a Tree
US 36.0%
PH 11.4%
IN 7.9%
BR 4.4% <---
IL 4.4% <---
OTHER 35.9%
Big Hit's New Girl Group
PH 40.2%
US 16.4%
IN 12.1%
MY 8.2% <---
ID 7.2% <---
OTHER 15.9%
It makes me wonder if that's the reason (other than being a fan fiction in a contest) why my last book was more successful than my first two which have more similar collection numbers and growth along with demographics. I catered to the largest demographic audience on here; thus, I got more collections?
Chryiss Yeah. I remember that thread. Probably buried deep amongst all that "yes.com" spam.
All my works are predominately read out of the PH & US. Especially Zaldizko. From the piddly amount of collections remaining on that story, I can safely say that 85% of the story is read from PH readers and the rest are classified as Others :sob:
Besides the procrastination NPop story, I haven't been able to write properly at all. The collection drop really bothered my psyche for all other stories. So, been doing cover art recently. Playing around with Daz and modding Famine and the boys. I have a lovey-dovey cover version of Famine and Leinard I'm making (haven't uploaded anywhere yet). I'll probably keep this one off the radar. Just nice to image the men together.
GreatSage_Master1 Sensei! I bow to your greatness. Seriously, fan fiction is the toughest kind of story to write hands down. Anyone who can pull of quality fan fiction is friggen genius. I've tried my hand at it, crashed and burned.
I agree Enlightened_Being pretty cool strategy and result.