Qwertg I agree with everything except down voting. The reason I say this is because then authors will just have 5-10 fake accounts and down vote ALL reviews they don't like. The rest is good though.
Why are Authors and Translators allowed to artificially boosting their ratings?
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I think sometimes it has to do with the quality of reviews some critics make. It's not an author's fault if some critics give blind praise to crappy works just to get a good one in return. I have nothing about review swaps but sometimes it can be a culprit to the artificial boosting trend.
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I thought CK said that translators couldn't delete their reviews?
Scrolls up. Yep, he did.
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SorcererCat Well this platform is from China and it pretty much works in the way it works in that country, so if you've been in this business for a long time enough (like me :D), you wouldn't be surprised because that's the way they are overthere and nobody (both readers and writers) ever complains about it like you guys do about many things (not just reviews, you know, many other unreasonable stuff), so they just take it for granted and think it will surely work in intermational markets too ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_Back there when I tried to complain they were just like "shut the fxxk up and follow the rules"∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
If you presume those people are qualified as writers with dignities then you couldn't be more wrong. Like I said, they are pimps who treat their novels like street girls and force them into whatever their tasteless customers like. They don't give a damn about the artistic value of literature. Even if WN updates the platform and shut down writers' ability of deleting 1-star review, they will probably just find their fanatic brainless fans in China and call on them to flood this place to add those 5-star spams and pour 1-stars onto whatever novels that are viewed to be "rivals".∠( ᐛ 」∠)_They are businessmen, not authors, and the vulgar, villain type of businessmen, too.
Addition: This is only a comment on those authors who delete bad reviews indiscriminately while their works are...objectively speaking, sxxt.∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
It would be easy to cut down spam reviews. Only allow one REVIEW OF EACH BOOK PER ACCOUNT and allow editing of reviews. And only allow reviewing if you are at least for example lvl2. Problem solved i think
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I wish this wasn't a problem. It's hard to trust a review section when the person with the most skin in the game can get rid of criticism with a couple of clicks. The review section is meant to be for the readers not the author. I know a lot of writers aren't like this and I've never seen the profiles translating novels get into trouble for it, but come on. In what world does it make sense for the author to have the power to look at their reviews and say "nope" to a bad one.
SorcererCat give me a one star review and I cherish it for life
sekmet022 is there such a function to know how many chapters or how long a reviewer reads before /after sending in their thoughts?
SorcererCat I always wondered why that story is such a piece of shit even though it has such a high review rating.
Yes, so you are dealing with a story of the type: poor quality both in writing and in scriptwriting, with 250 chapters, all with spelling mistakes, but with a contract with Qidian. I think you have to take this with a grain of salt e_e
In four years of writing I have seen this very often, those who write more and faster are the most successful.
So even if the quality of the story is shitty, this story will have more visibility than any other. And to get even more visibility, what do we do? We delete all reviews below 3.5 stars.
Why would WebNovel punish that? It's all good for them. If more people come to read thanks to the note: 4.6 for exampe, then more people come and use their spirits stones.
Same thing with the original authors; WebNovel will not punish them when they are possible gold mines.
We're not going to lie to each other, WebNovel may be one of the best sites for writers all over the world, but it's still a money factory.
The xp system is fine, but like everything, it's "bad" at the same time. WebNovel wants to be like a kind of video game. They build user loyalty by raising their level and rewarding them better over time, much like in the stories with Cultivation in their tags.
If they delete that, they will lose some of their users and moreover the new readers and authors will have no reason to stay, because the site will have nothing different from a site like Wattpad or others.
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Brainr0t I have no problem with the xp system, except for the part where it's encouraging spam and trash reviews. I wish there was a better way of making readers write reviews. I myself rarely give them, since they take time and effort to write. I give reviews only when a novel is truly worth it, and I have actually read through most of it. I could care less for getting 5 xp.
What I don't like in some reviews, the most favorable 5-star reviews are pinned by the Author to moved it up the Liked list whereas the negative 1-star reviews with the most 'likes' got moved down by such action. I also find several reviewers that gave favorable reviews would post numerous times while the negative reviewers just once. This really eschews the ranking of the novel.
You can pin reviews? Really?
What if a second page, featuring only 'Approved' reviews, was made, without getting rid of the actual one?
Each page could have an maximum capacity on how much they could affect the ratings (2.5 to 2.5)
The Author can only 'Approve' reviews with more than (X) Likes, and were posted by an account over (X) Level.
The Maximum Capacity of the Approved Page would be decided by an Average of (Number of Reviews) and (Rating given by these reviews)
The Maximum capacity may freely decrease, buy may not increase over 2.5
If the author has abused the power to approve only reviews over (X) Stars, the Max Cap may decrease, can be accounted based on [Rating of reviews approved by author] and [Rating of Normal reviews]
When a review is approved by an author, it can be Upvote or downvote by readers, but this is limited to those above (X) Level, who spent above (X) Minutes reading novel.
If Approved review is downvote enough times by readers who posses these numbers, it may be marked with 'Unpopular' and remain so until upvote enough.
Readers (possessing the numbers stated above) still have a Maximum capacity of Votes they can give.
Reviews not approved by Author still can receive votes though, and be 'Approved' by the general public. This general public still have to conform to the conditions before voting.
I don't know what more to add and whether this would work or not. I'm tired after tipping this much.
I actually deleted a 5 star review because it was just a bunch of 'asdf' over and over. Feel free to read mine and abuse it. I need the help to get better as my first volume was a bit rough.