I've discovered this website searching for the translation of "Once upon a time, there was a Spirit Sword Mountain". It was last summer I think. At that time, there was around 550 chapters translated. The story was free to read, only the latest two chapters were locked and to unlock it, you just had to watch a short advertising video or spend 4 spirit stones. It was great. Webnovel promised me a five-chapter a week release schedule, and at the beginning, it was more or less consistent. Even if sometimes, the promised schedule wasn't totally respected, I had no reason to complain, it was free, the translation was amateur and the translator did what he could. Moreover, the quality of the translation was especially good compared to other translated works I had read before.

The situation went on like this a few months. The original novel is already finished in Chinese, I could project when it would finish, 5 chapters a week, 20-23 chapters a month, around a year of release and I could read it all...

However, I don't really remember the exact date, I think it was at the beginning of this year (2019), the novel passed premium. No more videos to unlock chapters, a batch of previously free chapters now locked. The price for each chapter went to 12-13 spirit stones. It was not a big deal, with daily bonus spirit stones, you can still unlock 5 chapters a week without using real money.

The fact the novel became premium also meant that the hard work of the translator was recognized as a professional level job. If it's professional and you must pay, the readers can now exige from Webnovel that the quality is good and the promised schedule is kept.

However, the schedule became inconsistent. In January, we only got 7 chapters, a first alert, but in February, we got 28, more than the original schedule. It was great, but at the same time, it was the last time so far... In March, 9 chapters, in April only 3, in May 4 chapters, and no more (in comparison to 20-23 chapters a month, the difference is huge).

Actually, there seem to be issues with the translator according to what I've read on the comments of this novel. You are professionals, so remedy to the situation. I don't blame the translator, he isn't my interlocutor, I directly blame you, Wobnovel. He can have all the issues possible in his life, to speak frankly, it's your problem as professional publisher not mine as a costumer. You manage your translators as you want, it's of no concern for us. We pay webnovel for a promise of service and we don't get it. I don't care your means, but as a professional company, you need to provide the chapters you promised to release, I didn't impose a schedule on you, you did it yourself. Remember, as long as you collect our money, you are our interlocutors and are responsible for the contents on your site. Putting the issues of non-respect of your schedules on the back of the translators isn't an argument you can give to the readers, only an internal affair in your company.

Sorry for the bad English, writing in a foreign language is bit difficult. If it seems aggressive, I'm sorry, it's not my intention. However I hope someone from the staff will read this few lines of complain and find a solution.

Have a nice day.

    I know that feeling. I have a similar one with The Beautiful Time With You. It was advertised on the Editor's Picks section, I started reading it and got hooked. Paid the stones. Up until the latest translated chapter (300+), then I read the chapter comments. Turned out the novel hasn't been updated for a while, it seems like it's been dropped or on hiatus because the translator has some issues. My heart sank. From then on, I always check the date of the latest update as well as the latest comments and reviews first before picking up a novel...

    Any update? Seriously just change a translator if the current one isn’t going to translate anymore. Better than keeping us in limbo. It’s such a good novel that deserves far more respect.

    There are tons of novels on this site with this problem.

    Gourmet in Another World has changed Translators 2 times now, and the most recent translator has disappeared without word. I'm assuming that he will be changed out soon as well.

    Lets not even talk about all the stories that have been inactive for over a year. I guess Qidian doesn't care about there projects outside of maybe the top 200?.

    Spirit Sword Mountain is potentially a top 50 novel. It was top 50 when the translator was active at one point.

      4 days later

      Surely Qidian has a duty to ser this right.

      • mng replied to this.

        Mewlon They are a company that wants to make money. It is not ideal, but in reality they have no duty except to officially make money for its owners and follow any legal laws that apply to them. And even then not all companies actually work to those standards and deliberately defrauded shareholders / part owners or did not follow laws that they should have. I am pretty sure there are a few companies that people can think of that unfortunately fall into this category in the east, west or anywhere inbetween.

        I dont think alot of what Webnovel or Qidian does is morally right or even makes good business sense, but I also don't think they have actually broken any laws that apply to them or tried to defraud its owners. At least not that I am aware of. If you don't like what Webnovel/Qidian (or any other company) is doing, the best way to try and make them improve is to vote with your money and try to get as many other people to do the same. Appealing to any companies sense of morality generally does not change anything. Especially if they are owned by shareholders who only care about stock prices and dividends.

          9 days later

          Getting a good translator to finish translating Spirit Sword Mountain is consistent with the goal with making money. At the same time, you satisfy fans and customers. By sitting idle, they lose money that they could have made and piss people off. It’s a no brainer.

          • mng replied to this.

            Mewlon I agree that would make more sense. Especially if the book has mass appeal to people who can generate income for them. Unfortunately it does not look like WN agrees with us. At least not enough to actually do something about it. Though in all fairness, maybe they are trying to, just that we are not aware of it. I don't think this is likely, but it is possible. They are not the most communicative and transparent company.

            In my personal opinion, I have the feeling that they are trying to replicate what currently works for them in China and simply expanding it to the international market, while also increasing the prices. Officially to cover translation costs, but probably just because they seem to be getting away with it and who does not like making more money for the same amount of work. I do not think this is a good long-term strategy, but they would not be the first company to sacrifice long-term goals for short-term benefits.

            3 months later

            Up. Webnovel, please get rid of this translator and get us a new one. This story deserves far better.

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