Written by OldmasterCang


Scene 1:

Every story has a beginning. Mine also. But the beginning of my story was…kinda twisting, and how did I get power like no one can defeat? Well, that was another long story then…

My name is Han Cang, a fairly normal-look young man filled with passion and curiosity about…life, I guess. My last name is my first name and my first name is my last name. Yeah, I know this sound confusing and nonsense, but just get used to it, because that’s how it works for all Asian. Our given name normally comes after sir name. So my sir name in fact is Han, and I’d rather be called Doctor Cang.

Why? Any specific reason behind this?

    Yeah, because once there was a very popular pornstar called Aoi Sora, and btw it was a “she”, from Japan. This Miss Aoi, being referred as an instructor of giving lessons about all kinds of sexual skills in her AV collections, benefited so many dumbs oversea, in Mainland particularly. So those losers started to worship their sex goddess for a lovely nickname called “Professor Aoi”. Unfortunately, Aoi sounded so much similar to my given name “Cang” when translated in Mandarin. To avoid the confusion with my name and any connecting thought to that pornstar’s curvy body…plus-sized breast, I had to call myself a Doctor.

    Well then, the legendary venture of a Doctor all began with another boring day…in Mainland.

      Scene 2:

      I was sitting in my chair, behind the front desk of my shop, playing Arena of Valor on my cell. Oh yeah, don’t judge me like a swordsman or a bald monk in any of the WUXIA fictions you ever read. I was just like you bro, a guy living in modern world, in a small county close to Shanghai, the so-called shining pearl of oriental world. Well, I guess any county can be small, compared to Shanghai. But we also got iphone X here! Yo! Only that I could not afford one due to my recent financial issue. So instead, I was using Redmi, from a local mobile manufacturer, not high valued but practical.

        Anyway, it was just another boring afternoon to kick off. I did not expect any business to come up at my front door. Who did? My shop took the least appealing spot on this street, right in the corner next to a butcher’s shop. Damn it. Life was getting even harder when nowadays customers preferred shopping online and WANDA PLAZA took the place across my street. You must hear of this great empire who owned the biggest real estate business ever existed in Mainland. I heard they even constructed a fancy new building filled with over 200 luxury apartments for those who wanted to take a morning glimpse of the view on Thames, in London. In other words, WANDA was bloody rich and arrogant. So now you see what a mass of local business when its plaza became our neighbor.

          But for the time being, none of my business. I was occupied by my game, trying to win this fight so that my rank turned to gold I instead of II. Well then, the front door of my shop opened. The unexpected client stepped in. By just traveling through the front door, my ring bell hung over the gate alarmed. But my allies were just engaged in a gang fight so I only gave my client a quick glance then back to game.

            “Are you Doctor Cang?”

            She came up to my desk, with the sound like a sweetheart teen who lost her way home.

            “Yep, how can I help you?” I responded without any eye contact. My allies were dying. I was gonna be their savior.

              “I need you to do me a favor. But I’ll pay you.” She said.

              “Okay, what you want?” I asked, still occupied.

              After two seconds in silence, she brought it on:

              “I need you to help me to transmigrate, into other worlds than this.”

              “You what?” My allies all dead, both my thumbs were struggling to do a last stand mechanical with my champion.

              “Man…I’m gonna smash you little…wait, no mana, what the…Oh! Shit!” My champion dead, game was over.

                I dropped my cell on desk, totally AFK, then laying back in my chair, tasting the kind of flavor of my epic failure.

                “Are you cool now? Cause I’m in a kind of urgent situation now.” She demanded.

                “What is you question again? Sorry, I was too involved in…” I said as I looked upon, meeting her weird pinkful eyes. By pinkful I mean her eyes were so real pink, or magenta like, the kind of color between pink and purple. I never met any eyes like that.

                  “I want a transmigration. I know you have that kind of machine which can send people to a different space, a whole new world, and I want it.” She insisted, with her pink eyes so willful.

                  I looked straight into her eyes, hesitated, yet asking: “I’m sorry. But how old are you?”

                  “Sixteen.” She briefly said.

                  Deep down in my heart, I told myself: “No-f**king-way!”

                  (To be continued…)

                    Okay guys, thats all for tonight. I hope you guys like this story. I will come back to it tomorrow. See ya! Btw, Im new to QIDIAN the webnovel forum, totally alien lol.

                    CHAPTER 2 THE MACHINE

                    Scene 1:

                    My guard was on as I crossed my arms, staring at her and said:

                    “Listen, kid. I know young girls in your age are easily overwhelmed with a relationship,being dumped, losing virgin and unpredictable period which may even turn out to be pregnant, by accident of course. But none of these has anything to do with MY SHOP. This shop is a liquor retail store. No drugs, no soda, no condom nor any other stuff but simply alcohol. So if you’re looking for a transmigration machine, I suggest you to go ask your Daoist friends who really know about the transport to some wicked-wicked wonderland with a very open immigration policy. That’s what I call transmigration!”

                    I stopped for a second, well two seconds. Then I addressed:

                    “Now get out. My shop is rated PG-18,and what a regret that you’re only 16. NOT ALLOWED.”

                    I was done, waiting for her to move. But instead, she stood still and asked:

                    “Are you a Doctor?”

                    Now she just gave me that look as if I were a liar.

                      “Of course, yeah, I’m a Doctor.” I said, with proud.

                      “Really? A Doctor of what?” She even started to judge me now.

                      I had to cross my arms again, thinking while explained to her:

                      “Well…I study human behavior, by observing their activities and reaction in a socio pattern connected with…”

                      “Aezo said you watch porns.” She interrupted, in a very rude way.


                        I sat still, elbows on desk, pointing at her. Just when I was about to argue, but given it a second thought, I suddenly realized something:

                        “Wait…did you just say ‘Aezo’?”

                        By no mistake, there was only one of a kind called Aezo. The dumb boy worked in my store. He came up with this stupid name after two champions in League of Legends, Ezreal and Ekko. So he called himself Aezreak, a bloody jackass name. Later on he changed it to a short version, Aezo, for not being so jackass.

                          “He is my classmate.” She explained.

                          “So he told you about the transmigration machine, right?” I checked.

                          “So there is one, isn’t it?”

                          I was amused, smiling and correcting her guess:

                          “It’s not a machine, not even a bit of it, you idiots…”

                          “So there is one! You just admit it!” She was so hurried, not waiting for another second. Then I saw her smashing my desk with a brick-thick of cash!

                          Holy shit!

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