Before I realized, she just rushed through and made her way to upstairs, stepping on the stairway with heavy noise.

Immediately, I stood up, after her and yelled, not forgetting to grab the cash on desk.

“Wait! You stop! That’s for VIP client only!”

Then her voice traveled back from upstairs: “I don’t care! I’m running out of time! They are here!”

I was hesitated for a second, questioned: who are “they”?

    Scene 2:

    I made my way quickly to upstairs, finding her close to the window, looking out, seemed scared.

    I came up to her, looking out as she did. That was when I saw a fancy new model of BMW 7 series that happened to stop in front of my store.

      4 doors open, the driver and other 3 passengers all got off. They looked exactly the same like those mafias in a gangster movie, dark sunglasses, tide straight suit, oxford shoes.

      “Please don’t let them find me!” She suddenly grasped my arm, begging me for not turn her in.

      “Please! Please! Please…don’t…” she almost cried, shaken while struggling.

      “Leave it to me.” I said, with calm.

      But she was too scared to let me go, fingernails like daggers stabbing into my skin. Jeez, a female could be so powerful when she caught a man.

        But I had to go. I heard the ring bell when they walked in.

        “Stay here.” I said, then giving her a little touch with my fingertip.

        By just touching her hand, a sparkle of my power leaked out on my fingertip, like an electrical shock, but harmless.

        I struck her hands off, leaving her in a shock look, and went downstairs.

        (To be continued…)

          Billhallow first of all, thx a lot man. As far as I know, Qidian does not hav such service that allows users to create an original novel base. They only recruit translators for the time being. But Im totally cool with it. Forum works for me lol


          Scene 1:

          I led my way downstairs. That was when the four men in black found me and gave me a “hey-watch out” look, as if I were falling down on my stairs.

          Honestly, I did not understand why they were just staring at me like I was totally alien. I thought I would not have to remind them of this liquor shop, alcohol only.

            I came up to my front desk, facing these men, and said:

            “Hey sir, how can I help you?”

            But no response, in silence for a few seconds, long enough to make me feel awkward, then someone among the four finally spoke:

            “Who are you?”

            Who am I? What a f**king idiot would ask like that? They came all the way to my shop, stepping in like the agents in Matrix, full guard on, making it such a high profile, just to ask me who I am? Not even the sheriff would come up with such a stupid question.

              “Well, I’m a liquor retailer as you can see, or not see, if you just keep that goggles on forever. Is it really memory loss resistant?” I said, without mocking. I swore.

              “What are you doing upstairs?” Then he questioned, with a f**king poker-faced look that made me want to punch it.

                “I was eating. Definitely not in front of my customer, because of my personal preference of spicy food like garlic, Chinese onion, jalapeño and curry, my breath was like, errrr... so I eat upstairs, always.” I totally made it up, just to see how he will respond.

                “She’s here.” But one of the other guys seemed to figure it out. He was looking at his cell like it was a GPS tracking for signal.

                  Then they had a cross look at each other for a second, after which the guy spoke with me suddenly moved, making his way toward me like a furious bull. Before I was able to move, he caught me and locked my neck, forcing me to choke.

                  Face to face, he said: “Listen, you motherfucker. I’m gonna kick your f**king ass right after I finish this job. You have no idea who the hell you’re dealing with.”

                    Meanwhile, the guy with GPS headed to stairway, followed by the other two.

                    That was when I decided not to hold back anymore.

                    “Well…okay, okay…I…I change my mind…you know previously when you asked me who I am, I lied…I’m not a liquor retailer, actually…”

                    By seeing through the dark shade on his sunglasses, I found his eyes getting wide open as my eyes turned scarlet, like a blood-moon reflected on the dark shade.

                    “I’m a Doctor, you son of a bitch.”

                      Scene 2:

                      Finally I was pissed off. My anger growing fast as my eyes turned scarlet. That happened every time when I was gonna use my power. So before this bastard could even figure out what he was facing, I suddenly struck him with a punch right on the stomach. By unleashing the power of thunder, my fist was sparkling while I hit him with a pulse like lightning bolt. Only the bolt was in red.

                        Then he was totally f**ked up, high jump in the air by force, and bounced to the ceiling with a sound of crash. I wondered whether it was his back or head hitting the ceiling first that made such a noise. But who cared? So much worse for him was even better for me.

                        The other three were just about to reach the stairs when the crash to be heard.

                          They stopped, all in a shock when they turned around, only to find their fellow being dropped on ground, passed out.

                          “Now you guys look so much better than Agent Smith. So tell me who wanna go first?” I joked, for being funny.

                            They all stood still like forever. Maybe it just took them a few more seconds to come up with a plan. But I was not gonna waste another second of my life. So I quickly reached out my hand right when they started to move. Energy filled out between my fingers, unleashing a thread of electricity-like laser, and then hit the guy with GPS, throwing him at the wall.


                              Now half done, only two left, they were scared off by my little trick, making it feel like men in black against alien boss. Yeah, I was gonna be the badass in this fight, and the pain in my neck only added to my anger.

                              So I pointed at the body on ground, the guy who choked me, though he was totally out of the picture now. But just to ease my anger, I hit him again, causing his body to jump up one more time. What a show!

                              Now the two were really f**ked up like shit. One of them changed his mind, saying:

                              “Wait…wait! I…I’m sorry! I’m truly sorry! That was a mistake…our fault...we…we made a mistake…”

                              “Save your words.” I interrupted, with a grin on my face.

                              Then I dashed forward like a flash, faster than a blink of eyes. These two idiots just could not see me coming, while I already dashed through and stood between them.

                              “The end.” I made a statement.

                                Just when they heard me and turned around with a f**ked up look on their stupid faces, I punched them with both my fists, fast and furiously. I was pretty sure I heard more than a crack of ribs. Then both of them bounced backward, hitting the wall with their body, and melted down on the ground.

                                QUADRA KILL! Well, not a real kill though.

                                Finally, all done. I looked up, and happened to find the girl who asked for transmigration was watching, like all the time.

                                She seemed totally being freak out, eyes filled with fear, voice shattered when she started to talk:


                                I simply shrugged, and said, like always:

                                “I’m a Doctor. I told you.”

                                (To be continued…)

                                CHAPTER 4 THE RING

                                Scene 1:

                                I picked up my cell, sign in my Wechat, and sent a bloody picture of the mess in my shop to Aezo, the dumb who was supposed to commit his guilt.

                                Besides, I left him a voice message with greeting:

                                “Hey, where are you? Motherfucker? Now listen, fuzzy boy. You better get your f**king ass here before I even start to think about using your girlfriend’s little ass! You Motherfucker!”

                                  Then I dropped my cell, looking up again. The girl was up on the stairs, motionless, like a pet cat watching over its master.

                                  “What? Are you gonna stand there for the rest of your life or get down to help me clean up this stuff?” I tried to remind her of who the hell’s fault this was.

                                  But she simply answered: “I’m not his girlfriend, and why would you say like that?”

                                    I laughed, in a mocking way.

                                    “Because I need to give this coward a little bit momentum to get his f**king ass here! Besides, don’t you even slightly feel that this dumb boy may have a secret crush on you in a very creepy way? ”

                                    I started to pull the bodies together, like collecting trash, just to wipe them out easily.

                                    “I don’t think I notice his feeling for me, neither I believe he has such a secret crush on me.”

                                      She explained with a flush, and seemed being quite embarrassed by this topic. Then she came downstairs, watching me, and asked:

                                      “What are you doing? Are you gonna kill them?”

                                      “Kill?” I gave her a quick glance, then back to my work.

                                      “I don’t kill people. These bastards deserve something much worse than a kill. But before that, I need to take a break and drink.”

                                      After searching these guys pockets for cells and wallets, which I took away and just left all on my floor, I went back to my desk, picking up a bottle of Amaretto, and two cups.

                                        “Do you wanna cheer with me?” I asked with a sense of humiliation, and then said:

                                        “Oh, I forgot. You’re just a f**king 16 years old chick!”

                                        I started to drink with a satisfied smile.

                                        She sighed: “Why are you so mad at me? I don’t understand. You’re just like, everybody else is asshole and try to mess with me, so I must f#k them up and humiliate their bodies. You know, you’re mocking all the time, like a f#king mockingbird!”

                                          Finally she shouted out. I was totally shocked, giving her a What-the-F look, while wondering if I had pushed her too much. After all she paid me with a remarkable amount of money.

                                          I stopped drinking, just thinking about it for a moment, and then asked:

                                          “What’s your name, kid?”

                                          She rolled her eyes, as if this was a personal question.

                                          “Pinks, my name is Pinks.”

                                            I could not help but to question: “What? You are named after a color?”

                                            She shrugged.

                                            “My eyes are like yours.” She seemed to be prompted, and carried on now:

                                            “Whenever I was angry or frustrated, the kind of emotion change allowed me to do something really really weird…I was like powered up, not exactly the tricks you have just shown, but more or less, close enough to make us both weirdos.”

                                              Weirdos? WTF. I felt like being offended, but not in the mood to argue anymore.

                                              So I asked: “How about your name as being a human? Not in the mutant school. Just a real name.”

                                              She was hesitated for a moment, and finally confessed:

                                              “Han Xinwan, that’s a human name.”

                                              So her sir name was also Han, like mine.

                                                OldmasterCang nice story... just found this thead by accident... keep it up... also... if you can you might want to soften the language a little bit... at least reduce the number of too many repeated F word in one segment... just a suggestion 😁😁😁... the idea is fresh btw... i'm curious about the transmigration machine 😀😀😀

                                                  I smiled, without mocking at all, and then finished my drink, after which I said to her:

                                                  “Now, kid, come with me.”

                                                  But she didn’t. Never mind. I walked into the hallway, till the end of my shop, and took out the cart. Not like a cart you saw in Wal-Mart, but more often in a warehouse, basically it was just four wheels based on a flat board that you use to carry cargos from there to here. I mainly used it to carry whole packs of wine in and out.

                                                    Back to the front, I asked: “would you mind to give me a hand?”

                                                    “What’re you gonna do?” She questioned, and even stepped back a little bit, showing no incentive to help.

                                                    “Come on, I told you I don’t kill people. I’m just going to banish them.” I explained, and started to drag these bodies onto my cart.

                                                    “You what?” She made it sound like I was totally a weirdo.

                                                      “Isn’t it you that want a transmigration? Oh I totally forgot, it is actually something called pink who wants to transmigrate to mint! And btw, thanks for your little help, I’m done.”

                                                      She did nothing but simply stood there and watched, while I got those hogsheads on board, and by hogsheads I meant they were really hogs’ heads. They stank.

                                                        “Okay, let’s do it. Now the question is, are you gonna join me if you wanna see the transmigration machine.” I said, and started to pull the full-load cart toward my storage, down to the hallway.

                                                        I heard her steps followed behind, till we reached the storage, filled with racks of wine in bottles.

                                                        I stopped, picking up a certain bottle of wine from the rack, and showed to her:

                                                        “Changyu Dry Red Wine, premium, 1994, it’s quite classic.”

                                                        Then I opened it, regardless of the tight cork, which I just pulled out by force.

                                                        “What? Are you gonna drink again?” She sounded really upset.

                                                        I was amused, taking a sip of my favorite wine, and then turned the bottle upside down, pouring wine over the bodies.

                                                        She was freaked out and stepped back in a hurry, while yelling at me:

                                                        “What the hell?! Are you losing your mind! You are totally going crazy! Stop it! Don’t…”

                                                        She muted, all of sudden, just as a shining ring was flushed out from the bottle, and caught by my hand right about time.

                                                        A finely crafted amethyst with a gold circle, I held it up and said:

                                                        “I told you. It’s not a machine. It is a glowing ring.”

                                                        (To be continued...)

                                                          Estriole yes, you are absolutely right. Manner makes a man. I will definitely be careful about wording :) Thx a lot for support

                                                            CHAPTER 5 THE TRANSMIGRATION

                                                            Scene 1:

                                                            It was getting weird. The only reason that I held up the ring like this, was just to show it to Pinks, the girl who asked for transmigration.

                                                            But she simply stared at the ring, wordless, mind totally going blank. The dumb look on her face made me feel awkward, and the way I held the ring even added to my awkwardness. It looked like a dumb holding ring for proposal to the other dumb who was just a 16-year-old chick.

                                                            So instead of holding it like forever, I quickly wore it with my ring finger, which made it like an engagement ring, even closer to a proposal.

                                                            Damn it.

                                                            I had to explain:

                                                            “Listen, it’s not what it looks like. I have to wear it in my ring finger. That’s the only way to make the transmigration work.”

                                                              She frowned, and questioned to make it sound really annoying.

                                                              “So a f#king damn ring can help me out by transmigration?”

                                                              I was totally zoned out for a second, then back again.

                                                              “Hey, language!” I said.

                                                              But all she gave me was another curse:

                                                              “You did that motherf#king thing to me first! You asshole!”

                                                                That was true. She had reason to be mad at me. After all she only got 16.

                                                                So I committed: “Fine, you got me. My bad. I am sorry, for not being so nice to you. But now since I have shown you my tricks, and the transmigration ring, which is actually called “Ring of Spirit”, I suppose we are square. Shall we?”

                                                                  She hesitated for a moment, and then nodded. So apology accepted, things would get better from now on.

                                                                  “Ok, let’s move on.” I said, and raised my left hand to show her the ring again.

                                                                  “To transmigrate, you have to engage with the ring first, which is why I wear it in my ring finger, to complete the engagement. So technically, you are in agreement with the ring, to use its power for transmigration, like a covenant, between you and the ring.”

                                                                  “Yeah, I forgot. One more thing, male left, female right, That’s a rule.” I added.

                                                                    She looked at the ring for a while, seemed really trying to absorb every single word I just said, and then asked:

                                                                    “So if I’m gonna wear the ring, I’m supposed to wear it with my right hand, because obviously I’m a female, and according to the rule.”

                                                                    “Correct.” I said with an approval nod.

                                                                    But then she ruined my ears: “What if it’s a shemale? What kind of rule shall be followed? Like, a man by biological definition changes his gender and some organs, or some traits in a technical way of...”

                                                                      WHAT THE HELL?

                                                                      She really left me no choice.

                                                                      “Ok, stop...stop…Stop right there! Are you really gonna screw up this topic?! I thought you were only 16!”

                                                                      She shrugged.

                                                                      “Ok, fine. Anyway, I’m going to show you what a transmigration looks like. So please stay back. Move.”

                                                                      I asked her to stand just right by the door, leaving me some travel space.

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