I recently purchased the new privilege to unlock the chapters. But I am unable to view them. It’s still coming up as 2 unread etc but I still can’t access them even when I go to contents/chapters.


    Because its the new month, privilege is only from first to last day of the month after that you must buy it again.

      Skaz I purchased them today, so it should let me unlock them. But I’m unable to do it

        Unless Webnovel reviews this service, I don’t encourage anyone to subscribe for this as it is unfair to users. I spent over 12,000 SS purchasing privilege chapters for about 8 books only to discover that I’d have to pay again for the same chapters in order to stay up to date with the story. That is, I paid to unlock up to 399 chapters of a book but now I’ve been taken back to chapter 350 and all the following chapters have been blocked. So to unlock the current chapters 400 and 401, I have to pay again for chapters 351-399. I’m sorry but this feeling like a scam to me.

          40fantasy Well it says the “privilege” is only to be able to buy the coming chapters so basically you are paying just to be able to pay to read the next chapters....

            Cantiara rebirth to a military marriage: good morning chief x400, so it should let me unlock 5 chapters. But I don’t know if it’s because I only have 3 unread it’s not letting me use the spirit stones to unlock them. The chapters don’t even appear on my chapter/contents section.

            Another book is the rebirth of the strongest empress. I purchased the x750, with the same issue being that I can’t see the chapters I unlocked using the new privilege system, so I can’t even purchase the chapters

              Skaz That would make sense if we were paying for new privilege chapters not chapters we’ve already paid for. Bear in mind that these privilege chapters are more than 200% more than the normal SS required to read chapters. Explaining it away the way you have is like giving users the middle finger after robbing them. If I’ve unlocked privilege chapters up to 399 by the end of July, I expect to either be given the option to purchase privilege chapters from the next chapter (400) or at least have the option of unlocking the daily updates with my paid SS. Saying that privilege ends at the end of the month was deliberately ambiguous.

              40fantasy Yep, that's how it works. You'll need to purchase the same tier again and again every month until the novel is finished if you want to keep resuming from where you left off.

              @Webnovel_Staff @CKtalon , you guys should really revise the fine print again to make it clearer to the customers. Or at the very least, have some staff ready in this forum to address customers' complaints, concerns and questions.

              Since yesterday evening there have been tons of complaints regarding the Privilege program, again, and yet I only see @CKtalon responding to some of it and he is not even an official WN staff. This is unbelieveably unacceptable customers service.

                Mrds93 Please can you go back and read word for word what is I’ve written? Secondly, the ‘privilege’ was PAID for, I believe I have the right to pay for NEW privileges.

                  Cantiara Then it should have been explained clearly at the beginning so users would be more informed. If I’d known from the beginning that to stay up to date I’d have to pay the same privilege chapters every month, I’d never have signed up for it.

                    ueeelove When did you buy the Privilege? Was it today (August 1st) or yesterday (July 31st).

                    Privilege access expires at the end of the month. Reading your description of the issue you are having, I'm assuming you bought your Privilege on July 31st, just before it expired. And therefore you only had the chance to read 3 chapters out of the 5 you paid for before it expired.

                      40fantasy Yep, I agree with you. The thing is, the way this Privilege program works is common in China, so they think they could just launch it to their international customers, as is, assuming that it would be pretty self-explanatory to them.

                        40fantasy I have opted not to retake privilege on the novel I opted to try, but I still have access to the chapters I accessed I just have to wait for the release to non privilege readers to catch up. There is a way to access those you have read through a menu option in the chapter list around the privilege purchase area.

                          But that is the exact problem here, a dominant firm is NOT allowed to act like private contractors...
                          Here is an extract from article 102 of TFEU.....

                          Exploitative abuse:
                          This type occurs whereby a dominant firm using dominant position to exploit consumers without losing them through conduct like price increase and production limitation. There is no legal definition of ‘exploitative abuse’ under Article 102 but it can be taken as ‘any conduct that directly causes harm to the customers of the dominant undertaking’. Without barriers to entry, the market is likely to be self-corrected by competition because monopoly profits will attract new competitors to enter the market. However, the Guidance does suggest that the Commission will intervene where the conduct is directly exploitative of consumers (for example, charging excessively high prices).

                          Excessive price:
                          Price set significantly above the competitive level. Article 102 explicitly bans unfair pricing which has been understood as to cover the excessive pricing. The charged price must be excessive and unfair to be abusive. The test used was stated in the United Brands case that whether the charged price has no reasonable relation to the economic value of the product supplied and exceeds what the dominant undertaking would have obtained in a normal and sufficiently competitive market.

                            Wow wish I had read this before purchasing additional chapter for the Great Ruler. It is a rip-off for me to purchase privilege only to get the same chapters again

                            Wish I knew this before I purchased a total of 40 chapters of Perfect Secret Love!


                              Yup it sucks because if the release rate is 2 chapters per day then I need to wait for 1 and a half months to catch up to what I’ve bought in advance which is 50 chapters. The privilege system pretty much eliminate the chance for authors to do mass release as well so you have no choice but to wait for the normal release to catch up

                                KingDerp You have WW being a competitor, and their prices are similar. It's still a company, although it's made up of fan translators.

                                  KingDerp 😅 Honestly, I think your causing too much of a fuss about this. I don't think you were ripped off. You have the option to pay for the privilege, you know what your getting yourself into

                                    Lancron 🤔 I've seen some novels under privilege like star reborn still do mass releases though. Before people write this stuff I think they should reword it to "some novels." Plenty of other novels still do their mass release.


                                      When it was still at the level of fan translators, I bet the range of readers was still less widespread than now? And the readers back then were probably a specific group of people who were already familiar with Chinese webnovels to begin with. The only way for them to access the translated Chinese webnovels was by specifically searching for it, maybe via NU.

                                      After the Webnovel app, the audience has become more general than before. They probably got to know the app from recommendations based on their downloaded apps or something like that. I know that was how I got to know this app. I downloaded Wattpad and Webnovel was in the list of similar apps. This kind of general audience is still unfamiliar with this kind of practice (Privilege program). So they need to be guided. Or educated. Webnovel couldn't just launch the program assuming that everyone will automatically get it.

                                      Another thing, when it was still at the fan translators level, then that was just that. Fan translations. Translations brought by volunteers who dedicate their free or spare time to share their passion with others. Readers are more inclined to support fan translators monetarily, through donations, or as you said the Privilege program on Patreon, even with the exorbitant prices, because the idea was that they were doing something for others voluntarily. Webnovel is different. It is a company. Translators here are not volunteers and readers are not mere readers anymore - They are (paying) customers. So of course their attitude towards the exorbitant prices would be different, especially when they are putting on their customer hat. They will want to get value for their money.

                                      So Webnovel needs to up their game and provide better service to their customers.


                                      "You know what you're getting yourself into"

                                      If there were just one or two complaints, sure you could say that. But if there are more people who obviously "don't know what they're getting themselves into" and feel that they've been duped, as you can see from the amount of complaints in this forum alone, then the problem is with the system or how the said system is implemented, not with the users. What you're doing is victims blaming.

                                        There're so many complaints and issues with the new privileged system, but only a handful of times have Webnovel responded back and with poor attitude to boot, like quote: "If you can't afford it, don't buy."

                                        The soul of Webnovel has gone black. :sob:

                                        Cantiara 😅 Not really, it's just seeing these forum posts everyday is kind of tiring. I do understand there are issues with the system but it is a new system. I'm sure they are working on implenting changes after the test run in July.

                                          ueeelove August 1st then? Okay, then probably @CKtalon could help you out. You will most likely need to provide some screenshots of the issue though. Good luck!

                                            XOMatsumaeohana I understand it is tiring to see a lot of posts about the same issue again and again, but you have to also see it from those customers' point of view. They spent their hard earned money on something that they clearly weren't well informed of. So, saying that they should have known what they were getting themselves into might come off as insensitive even if you didn't mean it that way.

                                            Also, I didn't know this was a test run. If that was the case, then all the more reasons they should have been more careful when they launched it. I mean, after all, the money spent by the customers were real money, not money that they just spent for the sake of "testing" Webnovel's newly launched program. 🤷‍♀️

                                            XOMatsumaeohana Then you should be demanding a solution from Webnovel instead of carelessly stating that everyone complaining is just ‘making a fuss’ like we have nothing better to do.

                                              40fantasy 😅 Eh, what can I do about it? Nothing 🤷 Worded that statement wrong, (sorry if you were offended by it)

                                                40fantasy Advanced Chapters work like that everywhere (Wuxiaworld, Patron) that's just how they make their cash :)

                                                  We have a similar provision in consumer law here in Australia, but the if the compensation takes steps to address issues they are protected.
                                                  Webnovel have done both through updating the explanation and warning as well offering compensation to everyone who purchased privilege access before the clarified things.
                                                  Yes the confusion would have been better not to occur but, I could see even at the outset that they were saying you can get access to X number of chapters (in fact it meant chapter titles but is you were not certain on the nuances of English language you missed this point) ahead of those without the same access for the nominated time frame (again not totally clear at least initially for those not use to nuances of the English language).
                                                  That is what you pay the premium for. That is not exploitive. Nor was it ever said to be continual. It is no different to Pareron where people paid for stuff in advance. It makes things easier for authors and translators now as it is simply in one place.
                                                  I hate to say it to someone as I always try and be respectful to people both in person or on line but your attitude sucks. You only interpret things the way you want rather than looking at everything. Plus I would suspect you did not tell your lawyers about the corrective actions because that does not play into your narrative of being victimised by this evil company.
                                                  And on a personal point, it is this attitude that makes me question whether I will continue to writing with a hope to make a career change to be a full time writer (pipe dream but we all have to have them) some time in the future. It tells me that you do not appreciate the effort people have gone through to write (original works) or translate. It is hours of work. And if we see comments like this which criticise us for taking an opportunity why do we bother!


                                                    "Webnovel have done both through updating the explanation and warning as well offering compensation to everyone who purchased privilege access before the clarified things."

                                                    They would do better if they revised the explanation and warning, again, in a more explicit way seeing that a) not all of their customers are native English speakers and therefore are not used to the nuances in the English language, and b) not all of their customers are familiar with how advance chapters work on Patreon or other similar platforms, and therefore need more guidance and explanation on what they really can expect from such program.

                                                    Also, they could at least try to appease these aggrieved customers by responding to and addressing their concerns, questions and complaints in this forum. There's a lack thereof and it makes people feel even more frustrated.

                                                      Cantiara sensible suggestions to be respectful to customers. Hopefully someone reads this and is proactive at Webnovel.

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