Hello there good and bad people of Webnovel, this post is just me shamelessly promoting my novel, if it piques your interest, give it a try! if it does not, well thanks for visiting.
In the 22nd millennium of humanity, life has ceased to exist. The Earth was no more than a barren wasteland of the former planet it was.
A lonely cyborg, a fusion between man and machine awoke in the middle of the devastated planet. Confused and devoid of any human emotion, he was instructed to accomplish one goal: Rebuild The Earth.
And he did, through the use of other machines, he cleansed the world of its wastes and returned it to near perfection, only the vast swathes of decaying ruins of the human civilization long gone remained along with what's left of their technology.
The Earth was still barren. He sent out drones to scan the entire world of any form of life, not even bacteria was found. They then discovered that the Earth's Gaia had been corrupted, unable to bring forth any life.
Then, a wormhole opened. A breach between the fabric of space and time. It connected to unlikely worlds, one with science and one with magic. Magic, Mythical creatures and the like, a fantasy world.
Follow One as he unravels the secrets of the destruction of the Earth and as he tries to bring back life to Earth, even if it caused the other world's life.
The Machine Age for both worlds, has begun.
A War Between Machine And Magic.
Someone was there, created at the beginning of time. He was time itself, someone not from our universe but in his own universe.
He is what they call, Creator. A being of unlimited power, he sees everything and controls everything and creates the universe and the like. But what if he wanted to dwell among his creation? not to interfere but to explore and experience?
He craves adventure, to explore. Though he already sees everything, he wants to be exactly there.
So his journey begins at the world he created, accompanied by a sweet advisor, he ventures forth into his creation to experience what it's like to be an explorer, a teacher, a magic caster or a wandering man.
Good and evil are subjective, what I call good is good and what I call evil is evil.
I venture into my world not to help it, but I just lust for adventure and appreciate what I have created.
If I meet humans? good or bad whatever they are, I ignore them, unless I want to interfere.
If a king was to insult me? I shall tear his kingdom apart.
A demon declaring himself God? I will pay a visit.
If war happens? I shall end it if it fails to entertain.
Atrocities? let it be, unless I want to.
All in all, I'm just an adventurer in my own right. The only thing is, I am in control.