I have only one suggestion: Don't write if you are drunk or stoned.
Alcohol and drugs are no solution - go to a specialist and let him do a full check.
I have only one suggestion: Don't write if you are drunk or stoned.
Alcohol and drugs are no solution - go to a specialist and let him do a full check.
iWish_iWasA_Cat Oh yeah? Too bad for you then if you're not a weab or NEET. It were written thousands of times in Akashic records, ancient texts, media, and even in the law (China's Law that states reincarnated people must announce and register themselves) that only weabs and NEETs may have a chance to be reincarnated, transmigrated, time travels, and have all kind of cheats!!! And Loli harem!
Eslyna So every1s a scam to u now? What about your familymI guess u shoupd leave them!
DaddyFishGotBigPp ur a fish... u dont have intact poo...
Cantiara Then y u replied if u didnt give a sh!t, is it perhaps that u cant sh!t?
DaddyFishGotBigPp I never knew your fish had that... so bad that I dont wish to eat u now...
May1st My life is a mess? Your life is literally an emoticon! What can u do other than spam a fixed face?! Im a cat! And I Am Free!
Angko Im not an author stupid! Plus one needs to take drugs as medication is literally drugs! Are u so poor that u cant even buy vitamins!?
Eslyna Was he talkin to u!?
RekiChan I guess we need to delete half of webnovels library beforw u remember that u r wrong! Be quick before your alter ego self destructs from the broken fact of yours!
But are you even talking about m8?
DaddyFishGotBigPp Not m8, but you! aS n yuore "me" stewpeid foad!
I can't even understand your posts anymore, please, try to formulate better insults before posting, or at least be like me and don't even try...this is too sad to watch...
DaddyFishGotBigPp I tried to speak your fish language... I guess its so stupid that even u dont know what your talkin about... How do u live...?
DaddyFishGotBigPp Also everything I post is off the top of my head, how can a cat want to side track and doubletask? :/
Please, don't make excuses.
I'm not even an dolphin, and I can do better.
Was I too rude? I'm sorry, I mean, They're your replies and you shouldn't change just because of criticism. I hadn't paid attention when you mentioned your low, almost catlike intellect—No, I simply ignored it and judged you, while you tried your best, just because your replies didn't reach my expectations, while not paying any mind to your certain circumstances.
I'm sincerely sorry if this has caused you any damage to your sensible feelings, and just wanted you to know that I am expectantly waiting for your comebacks, no matter how low their quality may be.
Edit: Oh no, I just noticed this is exemplar material for r/ImVerySmart! sweats heavily
DaddyFishGotBigPp Hur Hur
My catlike intellect might be low from replying the moment I read, but at least I'm not a fish who needs to think for half a day. After a year, I bet you're already dead, maybe I have accidentally ate you when I went fishing with my paw before since you have such a small brain.
Edit: Wait- if you claimed to be smarter, how did I eat you? hurhur
@yaoyueyi Necro'ed Thread.