• Qidian Official
  • Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!

N0xiety Free chapters?=1 Seriously?
It's stated there PREMIUM FOR FREE |Thursday|1|
"In the PFF, we will release one or more premium chapters from the premium titles based on a schedule."
It's a premium chapter for free, premium chapter is not included in the chapter normal chapters per week. Indicated by RtW released chapter earlier.

Also premium users are not limited to those who pay for SS, everyone who are registered to the qidian site and are getting their daily free SS can be considered as a premium user. Above I stated I still don't get the rage from all of this. Even if those premium chapters released more and more, aren't you also getting free SS everyday? So...yeah.

I have a question about the premium for free. It shows a day by day basis of what are going to be free but how many chapters are going to be free per day.

    Similar to Cinemas
    Pay - watch now
    Wait for couple of 3 months - free
    See. . . . .

      WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL We believe that one day, Webnovel translators, editors, and authors globally will be able to see their jobs as full-time professions, and the beginning of that is today.

      Well someone call Billdoor, the shiz is happening! What did you say before you naysayer? Cannot happen, Not anytime soon? Well it looks like Qidian bout to be rolling in some more dough to pay for those translators and editors.

      Cue random rant and rave about things that need to be fixed with the money brought by such shamelessness:
      Be sure to make a process that for every novel, there must be a Translator and a SEPARATE! Editor.... make that the first priority for this full-time job listing stuff. Like seriously...it's important. And don't forget to get people to go back through the chapters and fix those horrible mistakes that have yet to be fixed. I see Release that Witch is on there yeah as a premium? Well I won't be buying none of that, the following threads have received no comments as to fixing the translation mistakes. Maybe you didn't notice, it's probably about time to do a clean sweep before you make something premium. And are we guaranteed that Release that Witch won't have anymore glaring mistakes? I'm just saying, if I am paying for it, it should at least be proofread right?

      Very serious question coming up, what is the difference between a Premium for Free? And a regular Free user? Is it just that one extra chapter? that you don't have to buy with SS? I am highly confused....is this just some random ploy to make people think they are included when in reality they are just like every other poor sap? I feel like it is.

      It's funny cause Release that Witch is legit the only novel I really read that's premium. It's so weird that it's Premium cause every chapters it seems i find a translation mistake. Not really clean enough to pay for but whatever.

        Geass11797 It's all in the decision of qidian as stated in their announcement.
        "In the PFF, we will release one or more premium chapters from the premium titles based on a schedule"

          So... basically if you're reading more then one premium novels you either pay up or have it's number of released chapter cut in half. Congrats on changing system where you can watch ads and get chapter (you know... nice one) to something that will anger a lot of people.

            Flaffy Why would you pay for SS? xD
            What have you been doing with your SS? Seriously? I currently have 1700 xD Still accumulating everyday.

            Okay, there are so many anti-qidian in a qidian forum it's hilarious(well not that many). They are so obviously hammering the premium beta, when you can actually get free premium chapter everyday(aside from the normal chapter release), and still have additional free SS everyday. Seriously, good job guys, good job. Support your favorite website instead of maliciously hanging around here xD. Whisper Yeah they say they support and love that website so much, that they keep reading there while having their adblocks on, talk about being a hypocrite. whisper

              Aaron_Blake Angering a lot of demanding people, sure yeah. They have always been wanting more for free. Seriously qidian should just block every chinese novels in the current market that came from their chinese website and make it legit. So we won't have these complaining people, given free things and complain because they can't have it all.

                Noire what flaff mean is, before they do some-premium-thing to RTW, better they improve their translation skills cause they still making mistakes. and it's not worth enough to get label premium because of it. i guess.

                  Leo it depends on you how you would handle your habit on reading there novels, why not play outside and wait for the following chapter for free... that is not totally a bad thing for you. Just avoid the spoilers.

                  Clone You know there is nothing in this world is free for a quality kind of service. sometimes we must know and consider the effort of the producers..

                    Clone and at least they still provide other option to read the novels.

                      Noire No one said anything about paying for SS, and I never said I was, so please do not spread false information without reading correctly. I never use any of my SS and I signed up last year, I only have 450, because they kept expiring and I do not do daily check-ins cause I'm not rabid reader like everyone else seems to be so please, stop with the accusations and assumptions, it is not appreciated.

                      I don't support and love any website, I am a consumer and am very much allowed, whether it's free or paid to hold everything I AM CONSUMING to a standard. Just because you buya ratchet computer at bestbuy that the "Geek Squad" fixed up for you does not mean everyone else wants to continue using the same junk k?

                      It didn't really matter when stuff was free because it was like who cares it's free, but as we got more comfortable we realized we liked the books they are cool, it's not like you can just go and pick this up in a library, they don't even have this stuff. I support the author, everything is a cog in the machine to get the authors voice to me. Qidian = Cog, employee's of Qidian = Cog, Translators = Cog, not to dehumanize anyone but generally once you are part of a company, franchise or even a movement you become unseen and everything is about the cause and not the actual you. So I don't care about Qidian, and I don't care about the translators, what I care about is the story, the quality of that story and how to make that story available to more people and share with everyone I know because essentially that is what people write, that is what people do art for.
                      Of course we need companies like QIdian to help spread the art, and when a company starts to abuse something, or not take the best care of the artwork, I have a right to complain and so should anyone else. You have no right to tell people to be grateful, and yes no in so many words did you say so but let's get real we all know where you were going. So stop being so grateful and start getting critical because the more grateful you are the more chapters they will begin to take from you until you are left with no new releases and your SS? They might just go out the window, so what about then? Should I tell you to be grateful you got to read even a little bit? Oh sure I don't mind tell you that, I might even put on a brilliant smile for you then.

                      [Disclaimer: I am in no way saying that Qidian will not continue to have free users, just trying to make a point that there is a possibility for such things to happen and being grateful will probably lead to such ends]

                        ihateqi As far as I know, reading the other chapter or advance chapter for free ads block is also appearing for service itself but i dont know right now..

                          14 chapters to 7 chapters per week
                          Sounds good to me as long as you dont have any mistake in your translations. There's plenty you can do to waste time waiting for the chapters.

                          Noire This can be complicated. First of all if they would do to that the a piracy will start being a thing. Till now you could just watch 15 sec. ad and get your entertainment. Those demanding are happy (15 sec. isn't much time) and quidan get's add revenue. With paywall, especially with a lot of chapters behind it quidan could loose those people and revenue for pirates. Second, right now, most of those chapter either free, or easily accessible can have some mistakes in them. Like, i love RtW but even i with english as my second language can recognize that translation quality can... change from time to time, with paywall, and license those mistakes are inexcusable. You're paying, you're rightfully demand quality. Third one, i think that blocking those novel could be more complicated than we think, with law and contract negotiations.

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