I'm not even going to address Noire anymore since he is obviously in his head.
I wish this was discord so I could @Everyone so I am just going to call on @Cilliez my muse, Am I the crazy one here? Just to make sure let me just go through my original post....
Flaffy Well someone call Billdoor, the shiz is happening! What did you say before you naysayer? Cannot happen, Not anytime soon? Well it looks like Qidian bout to be rolling in some more dough to pay for those translators and editors.
Okay, I am obviously very happy to shove it to Billdoor about the Full-time translators and editors.... ok happy not bashing at all..so maybe this is not what made Noire become a dick. Let's explore somewhere else shall we?
Flaffy Cue random rant and rave about things that need to be fixed with the money brought by such shamelessness:
Be sure to make a process that for every novel, there must be a Translator and a SEPARATE! Editor.... make that the first priority for this full-time job listing stuff.
Okay this looks like me giving a SUGGESTION on how to make the premium users feel better and a nice place to put qidians new found money yes? This cannot be what made Noire turn into a dickwad.
Flaffy Like seriously...it's important. And don't forget to get people to go back through the chapters and fix those horrible mistakes that have yet to be fixed. I see Release that Witch is on there yeah as a premium? Well I won't be buying none of that, the following threads have received no comments as to fixing the translation mistakes. Maybe you didn't notice, it's probably about time to do a clean sweep before you make something premium. And are we guaranteed that Release that Witch won't have anymore glaring mistakes? I'm just saying, if I am paying for it, it should at least be proofread right?
OH OH Maybe it was the only complaint I made about having to fix translation mistakes? But isn't that their job? To give good translations? Am I wrong? Is it not? OMG QIDIAN WHY? I didn't know you change professions. I am truly sorry @Noire for thinking that Qidian was responsible for fixing it's own translation mistakes. Truly I am so sorry for accusing Qidian of asking people to pay for translation mistake ridden novels when that's not even their job. I am so sorry. Deeply ashamed of my misgiving.
Flaffy Very serious question coming up, what is the difference between a Premium for Free? And a regular Free user? Is it just that one extra chapter? that you don't have to buy with SS? I am highly confused....is this just some random ploy to make people think they are included when in reality they are just like every other poor sap? I feel like it is.
This probably also factored in cause you know a confused person often times will not sound completely sane when asking a question. Qidian has a habit of not answering serious questions like wtf a contribution ranking is.... so why would they tell me the blatant answer to a question about the difference between free premium users and just a regular user? wait wait they probably won't right? So I must have speculated about it being a conspiracy as a joke. OMG A JOKE!!! Did @Noire take my joke to heart? I am so deeply sorry conspiracy jokes just aren't funny anymore I'll be sure to inform my inner self not to make petty jokes about conspiracies.
Flaffy It's funny cause Release that Witch is legit the only novel I really read that's premium. It's so weird that it's Premium cause every chapters it seems i find a translation mistake. Not really clean enough to pay for but whatever.
And that the very end of my post I insert a battle with my inner feelings should I care about Release that Witch? Is this a good thing, will Release that Witch increase in quality now? This might be the only novel on Qidian I will ever pay for because the authors story is just so amazingly formatted that it could fit right on the shelf next to Mistborn in my bedroom. What a shame Noire thinks that I wish to Bash Qidian when in reality this last line wasn't even really about them. He even almost labeled me as anti-qidian:
Noire Okay, there are so many anti-qidian in a qidian forum it's hilarious(well not that many)
Which he thinks is funny....like...should I feel offended folks? I think he was actually taking a stab at me.
Noire Seriously, good job guys, good job. Support your favorite website instead of maliciously hanging around here xD. Whisper Yeah they say they support and love that website so much, that they keep reading there while having their adblocks on, talk about being a hypocrite. whisper
Does that not scream, "Omg you should be grateful, you are such hypocrite, you do blah blah blah". Was he talking about me? Or was he just talking....I don't know so what do i do? Well I try to set the record straight by saying how much I did not appreciate his banter, so that he can clearly see I am not laughing.
Flaffy No one said anything about paying for SS, and I never said I was, so please do not spread false information without reading correctly. I never use any of my SS and I signed up last year, I only have 450, because they kept expiring and I do not do daily check-ins cause I'm not rabid reader like everyone else seems to be so please, stop with the accusations and assumptions, it is not appreciated.
So Who assumed what? I assumed he was talking to me cause he @'ed me then went on some warpath about antiqidian users. Then I tell him not to assume things of me and what does he do?
He sends a Long ass message to deny everything I was saying ABOUT MY VIEWS, its okay to disagree with someone's view, but to say you can't understand something as simple as "Release that Witch needs to get better quality translation if it's going to be paid for" is a bit of a stretch for me to even understand. I would like to note that all the rest of my two messages were responses about what quality is...and what it means to actually pay for something, for me, defending my view that "Realease that Witch needs to get better translation quality if it's going to be paid for", so you see who is assuming what? because i feel like Noire had his head shoved so far he could not see the line of words clearly just talking about something simple like increases translation quality....