• Qidian Official
  • Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!

Well I've noticed some of the premium novels are also asking for patreon donations as well. It should be either one or the other not both as that just leaves a bad impression of just wanting the money not caring about quality just throwing out as fast as they can.

How many spirit stones will it cost me to read tomorrows update after I've spent 7-8 reading the premiums? Will it go back to 4 ?

    WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL is there any ads because i cannot affors premium so i prefer ads. Where can i read mmorpg using ads??

      Olivia nope only 1 chapter a day so most things got cut in half and depending on the way they have it set up even when you spend spirit stone to unlock a chapter the next day it will unlock the same chapter you already unlocked so still have to wait a day if you dont have the ss for it .

        Noire you talk big but did you even read the changes only 1 chapter unlocked per day on release that withc now not 2 as it was so the chapter count went down by 50% for free users this aint even patron like thing to read advanced chapters this is shafting you for 50% of the things that was free , and if im going to go for anything id jsut go for patron not this shit site again f bullshit what they did.

        pdrocrf I'm just going to lay off it for a bit, let those free chapters accumulate more.

          Hi, i just wanna be sure... RTW is in premium now,,, lets say RTW is in chapter 300 right now... from then on we need to pay for each chapter by using stone, and every week translator release (example number) 10 chapter... if i wait till like 2 month (8 weeks = 80chaps) the current chapter is at 380,
          Do i still need to pay to read chapter 301?
          (Please reply my post so i can get the notification for this reply..)
          Thank you.

            Are all the novels getting in this program? or just the ones that appeared in the Premium for Free?

              anlie You get 7 chapters for free every week withouth paying anything

                JayRs i hope you are reading it corrctly. the way QI wrote it will get F in any level class.

                  BadMal well this is what i understand from this explanation

                  N0xiety hat's correct. Premium chapters will pile up with time. For example;

                  Release That Witch
                  17 ch/week release rate

                  Free chapters
                  1 ch/day

                  So free chapters = 7/week
                  Total chapters = 17/week

                  10 premium chapters added into the premium pool every week. Next week you will be 20 chapters behind if you don't unlock premium chapters.

                  WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I am reading 12 novels, there is just not way I can unlock chapters with spirit stones and my 600 spirit stones one day disappeared...so yeah

                    JayRs thanks, we'll see if its worth it.. as every chaps have different price of ss, u can imagine paying chapter and all u got is a filler LOL it feels like a roulette everytime you click to pay as u only can read 3-4lines and the rest got hidden., (dont get me wrong, have no problem spending as long as its worth it)

                      If this program applies to all novels, if I'm Really a Superstar which upload only 9 chps/week... do we get 7 free chapters? or do we need to wait for 10 chps to be ahead of free users to be able to read it as a free user?

                        WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL but it is a paywall an adwall is also a paywall. I was content with watching ads to read my books but now i can't read them anymore

                        If I unlock all the chapters of RtW the following week I have to unlock 10 or 17 chapters?

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