• Qidian Official
  • Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!

Dear Admin,

Your site is wonderful and fabulous, I appreciate all the work you have done till now. The best thing about the site is to discover new novels and reading, commenting and rating it. To check the opinion of the ever growing user-base after every chapter itself was a novel experience to me, I got hooked.

However this recent change has segregated the users as those who can pay and those who can't or unwilling to pay. I think the Ad-supported version was much better than this premium service.

Request you to revert back to earlier mode otherwise once the spirit stones are depleted we are going to look for free resources as it is in the human nature and gradually the user-base will reduce, the site won't be fun any more and you will be left with only premium users, then this site will stop being a community and will only function as client-service model.

One among many.

    ydim hi ydim, hows sev and lnmtl?
    yeah those chapters, but not of all novels. only of those that are in premium list.
    they said that adswall were at loss, so they try this new wall to get a better revenue(?).

    • ydim replied to this.

      Cheguvera read the OP again. with the previous adwall they're at loss. if they keep it like that, what'd happen? they'd go bankrupt and we'd lose our favorite novels.
      so, lets just support them (premium program) for the moment until they get steady foundation and such.
      if you can't pay for for the premium service, just be patient and wait for the regular free chapters. or you can collect free ss by doing ss missions, you won't get much but better than nothing.

        AreYouTheEye I see, that helps. I hope this site can find a good biz model in order to continue, I'm just afraid if ads aren't cutting it, it's going to be a bit tough... After all, most users are free users and this site's popularity shouldn't be huge enough to pull in the paying members it needs (at least I don't think so).

        I'm not commenting too much in lnmtl lately fellow mtl-daoist. With so many comments in ATG and silly arguments, I'm taking this opportunity to meditate on my insights and consolidate my cultivation. (lol)

          ydim well, i was actually a die hard ATG fan (still am), but i put it in my waiting list at the moment (since that stupid debate, nearly 1k comments xD)
          the comment section is a bit unhealthy since then.
          i prolly will read it again after it reach ch 1.1k

            Meh Considering that the avarage salary in my country is about 500 euros/month(thats about 5 cents per minute worked) yeah i would rather watch an ad.lol

            WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL yeah right. Not a paywall. Check in only give 12 ss a day so most people have to watch ads to read ahead. you even remove the ads and only accept ss for premium. Changing the money to spirit stone doesnt mean that your not using paywall. You're technically baiting people who are impatient to buy spirit stones so they dont have to wait and your claiming that you manage to come up with new system that is not paywall. Even worse, the weekly contest to vote for most popular novel is a scam to identify which novel is the best to be made into premium so people will spend even more money.

            It's ok that quidian provide premium for free but what happened to the chapters that iam able to read normally by watching adds they all gone for immortal mortal I want regular don't need any premium just adds will do

            Any chance we could get some kind of premium subscription to just skip all this hassle? Would rather just pay a fixed amount every month and have access to everything.

              Myddin why don't open a new thread and tag it with "suggestions"?
              tell your ideas there, who knows they'll think about it and grant your wish.

                Guys.. you all that support qi for premium features, u do realize that this is INTERNET.. people will and always have back doors for whatever... hell!! even porn in 90s need to be paid, now?? Its free because they realize People keep getting free porn from everywhere else. And now for this "goods" like literature... if qidian keep on pushing people to the edge, at 1 point they will feel "fck it, im gonna go and look from some other places". dont even talk abut supporting the translators or the authors.
                Authors have their target income from local, international readers only count a meager penny (dont deny it qi, i read your CEO interview regarding international readers)
                Translator income? Well this is a very delicate things to discuss.. i dont want to touch that forbidden area,
                BUT i hope all qidian translator read this.., you all are at company side so dont give your opinion or comment in here, because thats not your job. I have my own company and i know what my workers should be doing, and who should do the PR work. Thats the consequences when you join qi, if its website like ww,grav,volare, all the translator have their own right to voice their opinion in where the website going. I dont wanna offend translator because i really do respect and appreciate the hard work but you guys shouldnt forget how you all start from those websites or even blogspot and what community have put you guys above, if theres no grav and cktalon/legge mass releasing im really superstar and TMW until gravity website crash (someone donated hundreds of dollars) NO ONE will know who cktalon/legge is. so please respect the community by not joining this muddy waters.
                Back to qi premium,
                Im just a fans i dont mind spending ss or donating to translators, having lots of ads in website (heck its internet) but by differentiating the cost of chapter by using words count is a dick move, this is my most concern in this premium features. And please change your business model.. its freaking 2018, majority readers here are new readers that will follow u, but once they integrated to the community they will realise theres a lot of way to read book, and thats where u will lost. And once again remember we all international readers dont have great wall in our internet so we all are free where we wanna go.

                I would try buying spirit stones but it doesnt seem to be working for me.... im being redirected to payment page endlessly...

                  It's not really about being patient, it's about being wise. You just need to adapt about how everything works. Since it's still beta... If you can't create waves, It's the perfect time to do many things in preparation for what's possibly coming.

                    If any of my favorite novels are made Premium then I'll simply stop reading them. This is in effect a pay wall. I understand why you're doing it, and I don't fault you for it, but I think you'll find that a number of users will simply stop using your site and read the free translations provided on other sites from different web novel companies.

                    You should increase the SS given.

                    And what how does the SS gets calculated into your revenue system?

                    Ever since you implemented the SS system, not many use the ads that is why the ads revenue might be a problem.

                    But how about the SS? Why was there nothing mentioned?

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