• Qidian Official
  • Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!

Is there any point in keeping this thread? Does qidian even see any of this?
Because I havent seen any official reply since the very begining so i thing is a bit pointless keep arguing about if its a good thing or a bad thing

    XxurraxX tbh ppl argue with other ppl to convince each other if its good or bad, arguing with qidian doesn't change anything much anyway xD

    VirtualFrappe but does this mean eventhough you're premium here you also have to donate or something in patreon if you want to read advanced chapters?

      Is it possible to just flat out buy "Unlock Chapter" instead of SS. For example 5.99 for 250 unlocks, anyway I'm not knowledgeable about such things so the price might be off.

        Last questions, trough this PFF will the distance between the premium chapters and those free to read will increase or not?

          the video ads are already in place so how are they gonna change it from how it usually is?

            just wanna give my support
            as long as its not too greedy i have no problem

            but i want to see what will happen in the future, is the site going to be full of bullshit while charging everything
            just give everyone some welfare support please

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