- Edited
Interesting stuff. look like RTW now has only 4-5 chaps for ad/4stone per week injoy
Interesting stuff. look like RTW now has only 4-5 chaps for ad/4stone per week injoy
XxurraxX They choose who to reply and comment.... so... that’s why
OldManDuotian I don’t see any ads or 4 SS per chapter anymore for RTW.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL wow!!! premium!! thats great!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL want to access thos one!
Is it possible to just flat out buy "Unlock Chapter" instead of SS. For example 5.99 for 250 unlocks, anyway I'm not knowledgeable about such things so the price might be off.
Last questions, trough this PFF will the distance between the premium chapters and those free to read will increase or not?
So essentially wuxiaworld was right and they're going to start paywalling us.
immortal_corrupt it's better to have all chapters with Ad. Ads give money. Buy the way with this new system each novel will cost around 200-300 dollars for each user. This just fantastic. Sorry. For this sum I can buy 4 to 10 real book or digital copy. Not temporary online text.
the video ads are already in place so how are they gonna change it from how it usually is?
just wanna give my support
as long as its not too greedy i have no problem
but i want to see what will happen in the future, is the site going to be full of bullshit while charging everything
just give everyone some welfare support please
It was good while it lasted, it will soon be time to say good bye to this site.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL you mean DAMN rip off and expensive it's going from 4 to and increase of on average 3 times so 12
Primal_Moz just go pirated if anything it's all there anyways
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL If i may i suggest a " extra ad" or " volunteer ad" kind feature meaning by watching this extra ads(not for getting any spirit stones or extra chapter but only for support) we(users) can volunteerly support our favorite novels' authors and traslaters. And you can try to attract users by giving them a volunteer badge. It is merely a suggestion if not practical i apologize.