• Qidian Official
  • Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!

@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @CKtalon I didn't read the 200 or so messages so idk but from what I understand basically 1st chapter free 2nd paid, and next day 2nd becomes free and 3rd and 4th is paid, that means the stockpile of premium keeps increasing, and free keeps getting behind the premium, as on 3rs day it's 3rd free while 5th and 6th is paid which sucks for people who paid as for them the chapter which got free was already paid, so for them it's like all are paid as the chapter which gets free is which they already paid and then later for free, as the chapters which becomes free is the chapter you already bought, (assuming you bought it that is)
So instead it should work like this, 1st free 2nd paid, if you don't pay for 2nd then next day 2nd is free but 3rd and 4th paid, and if you pay for the 2nd then 3rd is free and 4th is paid, this is imo how it should work, but best case scenario is all 14 are free and premium is always 10 ahead, so the gap between free and premium doesn't increase

SRandom yeah my above post was the same question I hope someone answers me or links me to if they already did

    Krovick it was always mentioned that they expire after some months.
    But if you look at my SS history it looks like this:
    17 SS expire today. 15 SS earned today.
    So I would I say that I would roughly stay where I am currently.

    So Immortal mortal will become 11/w instead of 21 for free readers now??

    It's all good but you do understand that free chapter start being not a thing then you did bonus chapter's every day. As much as i want to say that it's Not a Paywall for people who keep up on there daily chapter and as much as you say they are free all things point to word PAYWALL.

      Why are people even complaining? WW and GT also keep advanced chapters behind Patreon wall where you have to pay. In that case the entire money goes to translator but not a penny to author.

      Now QI system would support not only translator but author as well. Something good as far as I'm concerned.

        As long as I have my free 1~2 chapters per day it will be good ('paid' with free SS or ads).
        As long as I can read old novel as much I want it will be good.
        If it is not that way, then it will not be good to your, Qidian. As I said in another post, this isn't China.

        i don't mind the paying its business but this method paying per chapter buying the SS again and again,
        in patreon i know how much i spend and how much i get very clearly but here it will be hard to track if it was a monthly subscription for each novel and clearly says how many chapter extra i get cool
        you could even make packages with different novels
        but hey not like Qidian would listen so .......

          True_Seeker It is not the same thing tho. For example translator can pop out 14 chapters per week, and then free readers might get 4 chapters that week to read, so 10 more chapters to the premium pool. The next week, 10 more chapters. After a few months, the free reader will be hundreds of chapters behind the premium. You understand that right?

            Sphiinnx One question here. Lets assume that RTW has 14 chapters a week as you said before. First week they release 14 chapters, from which there are 7 that are free, and 7 that are premium. Next week they release 14 more chapters. Now we'll have 14 chapters that are free and 14 that are premium, right? Or will you have the previous week's premium chapters become free, and then it would become 21 chapters free and 7 chapters premium? If my first guess becomes reality, by the end of the series, wouldn't we have something like 200 free chapters and 200 premium chapters? When the series ends, we free readers would still have to wait for months till the series ends for us, right? And that's only IF they want to make those chapters free. It's not a bad thing NOW, but it can become pretty scary in the long run.

              What i am curious about is premium going to affect the release schedule of free chapters. I like my daily routine of reaching a chapter or 2 per day but if its going to be behind a freemium paywall. Lesyt is doing a good job on their VIP freemium method where the "paid" for chapters are never too far ahead (7-10) but its enough for me to want to pay because it will rap up a current arc/situation I'm enjoying and/or not enjoying.

              Bottom line is people will not be happy (myself included) if you take away from the amount of chapter releases. On another note since it is the translator working harder to release premium chapters on top of their free chapters but who's to say they will receive any of the money spent on spirit shards? Mine and every ones concern is probably this.

              I can't translate as much as i wish i could that is why i sat through 30 second adverts then for a second one to start for god knows what reason and still wasn't bothered. For paywall there will always be alternative methods to find ways around them that do not benefit the people who did the work. Let's just hope it isn't easier to find a backdoor than waiting at the frontdoor.

              People need to understand that qidian is in a business, they need to provide their translators, editors, authors the daily life necessities for them to create new and better novels. I would say that it's fair enough to support them and they will fulfill our addiction in reading. Fortunately, there's still a chance for non premium readers. Based on what I have read, we can still get free SS so we better make the best use of it or else, keep waiting cause these chapters will be free eventually.

              WildRammusino from my understanding all chapter are premium chapters from now on and they unlock 7 of those chapters every week in RTWs case i agree i could become scary but if they stick with the current system then that is fine imo if they fuck it up well then they lost my money in the long run


                  N0xiety Do they? They're trying to earn money from their venture, and that looks very normal in my eyes. And if this works as intended, why should they change it? They won't want to alienate their reader base unnecessarily, since that'll result in a loss for them.

                    I read webnovels because they are free. Webnovels are popular because they are free. I can ignore translation errors, typos, mixed up names, never ending incomplete story, low quality in general etc. because it is free.

                    For payment, I prefer a finished, polished, complete ebook I can read offline on Kindle. It doesn't have to be sold on Amazon, I'm happy to buy a epub/mobi file on this or any other platform (avoid amazon fees). Something I paid for stays with me forever, even if the website no longer exists.

                    For stories I really like, I would be willing to pre-order the ebook (to be available as download when the translation is complete - good faith offer incomplete downloads until then). In an ebook series it should at least cover a major arc per installment. Of course the price should be fair as well (can't spend hundreds dollars on a single story, can't spend money I don't have).

                    I understand this clashes with your business model (people need to visit the site, watch ads, and be enticed to spend $ per chapter, even if that adds up to a scary cost [price of single chapter * total chapters left in the story]). So it probably won't be happening.

                    I will read here as long as it's possible to do so.

                      Can you please add the exact time the freemium chapters will be out please?

                        STOP MISLEADING PEOPLE!!! With your baseless assumptions. Premium chapters are bonus chapters for those who wants to buy more SS and support the site. RtW just now released its scheduled chapter. The weekly chapter will not change, they just increased the available chapters so that people who have the intention to support the site can use SS to further advance their reading.

                          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL this is the worst update because what would happen if someone already use spirit stone to read premuim chapter with their daily update? Are they get free access to next premium update or still need using spirit stone to read it? If the second choice then it would be worst case ever and if later then it would be the same principle as patreon

                            Face_Smacking_Dao The worst update would be (for freemiums) they go yen press style. Claim all the translated qidian chinese novels around the web(Coiling dragon, etc.) that are published from their main site(raw), and sell it in their own website via ebook.
                            For the information of what happens with next premium release, I for one have no clue, and I'm not one to assume(it makes an ass of u and me) so I'd say I have no idea. I'd wait and see it for myself next week.
                            Anyways, seriously though, what the heck have you people been doing with your spirit stones? Spending it like there's no tomorrow? lol xD

                            4U6U57 i think it will probably like some games. You know.. they give u boosts for watching ads. Instead they will give certain spirit stones for the ads. And it seems like they will release free chapters too. Except the 10 advance chapters will be locked to spirit stones T_T .... well, it looks similar to donating in patreons so, i don't know unless some things happen i guess haha ;O

                              Noire Actually YOU stop misleading people! Premium chapters doesn't = to bonus chapters. For example lets say the translator was releasing 14 chapters per week. He will still keep releasing 14 chapters per week, but Qidian will decide how many chapters they wanna give out for free. They can give out 4 chapters of the 14 chapters per week as free for example. But keep the remaining 10 behind paywall. Then after another week passes, the premium pool increases to 20 chapters. A few months later, the premium pool will grow to hundreds of chapters. So the free readers will be hundreds of chapters behind premium readers in a few months. Do you undertand how it's different now?


                                Really Am I? Where's your evidence that stated that? Mine came from just now, RtW still release their qouta chapter for today. Where did you get such info then? I have not read that, surely that's not just a rumor spreading around, spread by you?Is that an official statement please lead me to it and let me read the fine print of announcement.

                                  Damn can't edit previous post xD
                                  Anyways in addition. Even if that is to be the case, you will have enough daily free SS to unlock premium chapters. So...I still don't get the outrage from this. Would you rather then have qidian international take things drastically? Massive take down notices to all other websites that has translated or currently translating from the (raw) qidian site. Like what yen press did with japanese novels.

                                    Noire You want proof? Here's your proof!

                                    Release That Witch
                                    17 ch/week release rate

                                    Free chapters?
                                    1 ch/day

                                    So free chapters = 7/week
                                    Total chapters = 17/week

                                    It's not hard to do the math right?

                                    10 premium chapters added into the premium pool every week

                                    After 3 months if you stay as a free reader, you will be 120 chapters behind the premium. And that is considering that Qi won't decrease the release rate for free readers. Do you understand now?

                                      MysticalOrigin do not expect you can get many, buddy. since it was FUCKING-cheap, anyway.

                                        N0xiety Free chapters?=1 Seriously?
                                        It's stated there PREMIUM FOR FREE |Thursday|1|
                                        "In the PFF, we will release one or more premium chapters from the premium titles based on a schedule."
                                        It's a premium chapter for free, premium chapter is not included in the chapter normal chapters per week. Indicated by RtW released chapter earlier.

                                        Also premium users are not limited to those who pay for SS, everyone who are registered to the qidian site and are getting their daily free SS can be considered as a premium user. Above I stated I still don't get the rage from all of this. Even if those premium chapters released more and more, aren't you also getting free SS everyday? So...yeah.

                                        I have a question about the premium for free. It shows a day by day basis of what are going to be free but how many chapters are going to be free per day.

                                          Similar to Cinemas
                                          Pay - watch now
                                          Wait for couple of 3 months - free
                                          See. . . . .

                                            WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL We believe that one day, Webnovel translators, editors, and authors globally will be able to see their jobs as full-time professions, and the beginning of that is today.

                                            Well someone call Billdoor, the shiz is happening! What did you say before you naysayer? Cannot happen, Not anytime soon? Well it looks like Qidian bout to be rolling in some more dough to pay for those translators and editors.

                                            Cue random rant and rave about things that need to be fixed with the money brought by such shamelessness:
                                            Be sure to make a process that for every novel, there must be a Translator and a SEPARATE! Editor.... make that the first priority for this full-time job listing stuff. Like seriously...it's important. And don't forget to get people to go back through the chapters and fix those horrible mistakes that have yet to be fixed. I see Release that Witch is on there yeah as a premium? Well I won't be buying none of that, the following threads have received no comments as to fixing the translation mistakes. Maybe you didn't notice, it's probably about time to do a clean sweep before you make something premium. And are we guaranteed that Release that Witch won't have anymore glaring mistakes? I'm just saying, if I am paying for it, it should at least be proofread right?

                                            Very serious question coming up, what is the difference between a Premium for Free? And a regular Free user? Is it just that one extra chapter? that you don't have to buy with SS? I am highly confused....is this just some random ploy to make people think they are included when in reality they are just like every other poor sap? I feel like it is.

                                            It's funny cause Release that Witch is legit the only novel I really read that's premium. It's so weird that it's Premium cause every chapters it seems i find a translation mistake. Not really clean enough to pay for but whatever.

                                              Geass11797 It's all in the decision of qidian as stated in their announcement.
                                              "In the PFF, we will release one or more premium chapters from the premium titles based on a schedule"

                                                So... basically if you're reading more then one premium novels you either pay up or have it's number of released chapter cut in half. Congrats on changing system where you can watch ads and get chapter (you know... nice one) to something that will anger a lot of people.

                                                  Flaffy Why would you pay for SS? xD
                                                  What have you been doing with your SS? Seriously? I currently have 1700 xD Still accumulating everyday.

                                                  Okay, there are so many anti-qidian in a qidian forum it's hilarious(well not that many). They are so obviously hammering the premium beta, when you can actually get free premium chapter everyday(aside from the normal chapter release), and still have additional free SS everyday. Seriously, good job guys, good job. Support your favorite website instead of maliciously hanging around here xD. Whisper Yeah they say they support and love that website so much, that they keep reading there while having their adblocks on, talk about being a hypocrite. whisper

                                                    Aaron_Blake Angering a lot of demanding people, sure yeah. They have always been wanting more for free. Seriously qidian should just block every chinese novels in the current market that came from their chinese website and make it legit. So we won't have these complaining people, given free things and complain because they can't have it all.

                                                      Noire what flaff mean is, before they do some-premium-thing to RTW, better they improve their translation skills cause they still making mistakes. and it's not worth enough to get label premium because of it. i guess.

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