Frk_ozbk No, honey, please let me give you the english run down.

noun: quantity


the amount or number of a material or immaterial thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement.
"the quantity and quality of the fruit can be controlled"
synonyms: amount, total, aggregate, sum, quota, mass, weight, volume, bulk; More
quantum, proportion, portion, part
"the quantity of food collected"
a certain, usually specified, amount or number of something.
plural noun: quantities
"a small quantity of food"
a considerable number or amount of something.
plural noun: quantities
"she was able to drink quantities of beer without degenerating into giggles"
synonyms: amount, lot, great deal, good deal, abundance, wealth, profusion; More
informalpile, ton, load, heap, buttload, mass, stack
"a quantity of ammunition"
the perceived length of a vowel sound or syllable.

noun: quality; plural noun: qualities

the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.
"an improvement in product quality"
synonyms: standard, grade, class, caliber, condition, character, nature, form, rank, value, level; More
sort, type, kind, variety
"the TV signal is of a poor quality"
general excellence of standard or level.
"a masterpiece for connoisseurs of quality"
synonyms: excellence, superiority, merit, worth, value, virtue, caliber, eminence, distinction, incomparability; More
talent, skill, virtuosity, craftsmanship
"work of such quality is rare"
excellent, superior, valuable, distinctive, incomparable;
well crafted;
"quality furniture"
high social standing.
"commanding the admiration of people of quality"
people of high social standing.
"he's dazed at being called on to speak before quality"
a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.
"he shows strong leadership qualities"
synonyms: feature, trait, attribute, characteristic, point, aspect, facet, side, property
"her good qualities"

In math we call them Quantitative and Qualitative values. One uses numbers, the other represents a characteristic of sorts. So in this case the Quantity = Number of chapters, Number of books, Number of Numbers, Number of any god damn thing. Quality = the degree of english in these novels vs the degree of english in the local news papers.

Anytime you say the "number of" that means quantity, so both of the things you gave are quantities lol.

    Flaffy His sentence was already broken english, I cannot decipher his meaning so I use what is literally put since there was no should, there was no I think, nothing there for opinion, just blatant factual , incomplete statement?

    From his opening post alone we can comprehend the fact that his English is bad (He mentions it as well). We also know that he tried his best to communicate his concerns regarding Qidian's future policy across. True, there were a couple of misunderstandings here and there, but this comment is honestly a low blow:

    Flaffy If you really think the translation quality is always good then yes, your english is really that bad.

    He clearly states in a previous comment regarding translation quality here:

    Frk_ozbk I did not say anything about translation quality.Translation quality always come first.

    And you simply chose to ignore the tidbit and go on to say that you cannot decipher his meaning? That his sentence being incomplete means that you have to go and "selfishly" interpret his broken sentences as you please? Honestly, a person of your "stature" shouldn't stoop to such levels.

    As for your DICTIONARY, he clearly defines the two terms, quantity and quality, in a later post. (With = symbols too I might add my dear math student!) TL quality being unaffected, he defines Quality as having more releases and Quantity having more stories available to read from. Just like how a businessman might decide between funding multiple projects at the same time, or sticking to the ones the person already has and making them better. True, the terms were used in a bad situation but he already says it here:

    Frk_ozbk i am not good at english but i think you should be understand

    He trusted us to understand him. With our levels of English, filling the gaps and inserting missing words is a piece of cake. Fixing the sentence I just quoted is a breeze. (Remove the "be") When trying to correct him, he doesn't act like a douchebag. He accepts it! It honestly pissed me off to read that DICTIONARY.

    EDIT: I seemed to have gotten a bit too spirited there. My bad.


      Kingfisher but this comment is honestly a low blow:

      Its not a low blow because I do not assume what people mean, when they use broken english, you made it seem like that was the only logical conclusion, I don't know him like that to judge that, so I took it at face value it's not a low blow it's just how my mind interpreted it, as you saw fit to fill in information that wasn't there mine took what was already there and made due.

      Kingfisher He clearly states in a previous comment regarding translation quality here:

      Well he clearly asks this one question right after, and I answer it!

      Frk_ozbk guys is my english really that bad ? translation quality always be good.but i mean qidian can speed up the translation of some books instead of adding new books.

      Kingfisher And you simply chose to ignore the tidbit and go on to say that you cannot decipher his meaning? That his sentence being incomplete means that you have to go and "selfishly" interpret his broken sentences as you please?

      I chose to ignore it because I was answering his question about his english being that bad, I already addressed his original post in a previous post, if you see.

      Kingfisher He trusted us to understand him. With our levels of English, filling the gaps and inserting missing words is a piece of cake.

      I understand but I am not his language parent, that is not my job to accept his goo goo ga ga (uninterpretable language). And it's ok to be spirited I understand that it may piss you off, but I was not trying to be condescending. I wanted to make sure he knows the words are not the same when I show the disctionary. That he cannot just set words to equal what he wants at his will just because he is bad at english, that is why I posted the dictionary part because the best way to get someone to understand you is to improve the vocabularly not take words and change the meaning for a temporary fix. That annoyed me, so rather instead of saying "YOU CANT JUST CHANGE WORDS!!!" I give him words that he can use, and other similar words that he can use in the future, it's the only way I could think of to be nice about it. Sorry that you didn't see it as that nice.


      Also I was never actually talking about his original post after I left my first post to him, the rest was just in response to that one question if his english was that bad, which it is.

      Guys,calm down ! it is my bad here.I must not said "Quality or Quantity".
      There is such a saying in my own language like locition(ı google it this word ı dont know it is true ?)

      So i translated english directly.

      And while i was saying this sentence "is my english really that bad? "
      i meant,i already said quality=number of chapter (ı know my english grammar is really bad btw :D)
      @Flaffy @Kingfisher

        Frk_ozbk Ok, I did not know what you meant by the question, I am not very good with making those kinds of connections, so I never assume anything a person says, because I very well may end up misunderstanding even more.

        And I really don't like that quality= number of chapters thing cause it makes no sense, please try to find another word that does not directly clash with that definition you want.

          Quantity and quality are both substantial

            Quantity and Quality?
            Hhm reminds me of my research.
            Anyway I think both of them are important

              Frk_ozbk honestly your English really isn't that bad.
              Even native speakers when they type will have a lot of typos. I figure if you're missing a word or mangled another it's probably because of autocorrect or fat thumb syndrome. Because let's face, it most people are on here not through a desktop but through their mobiles devices.

              Frk_ozbk Well I seems like, the reason why they put premium account on this, because of great consumption of chapter every week I guess, where I can see now its good.. cause translators take some time to translate.. did you get my point? so quality for me instead of choosing quantity.

              Frk_ozbk I guess it was impossible for them to release their tactics cause its a matter of keeping the best strategies of the company to avoid attracting possible attacks from other competitors. we do not know if there is something who spying here from other company right?

                i believe we should have both quantity and quality, although your post might be implying that they are going a little bit slow. I'm gonna argue that it's important to find a balance 'cause you don't want to overwork both the translators and the editors.
                i don't think readers realized this but it takes a lot of time and effort to translate a chapter, this is spoken from experience. The reason is because when you're translating, you always want to preserve the original meaning of the passage (the author's voice, his tone, his language usage as much as you can), but that means that translators always have to pay absolute attention to their word choice. Otherwise, they'll misrepresent the author's original intentions. it doesn't help that english is such a difficult language to learn. too many words, and too many synonyms that differ in the most minuscule, and the most significant way. Also, Chinese and Western cultures are vastly different, and that's very obvious in these translations. There are expressions, words, phrases, metaphors and even proverbs that aren't available in english. That's why there's so many descriptions and explanations for every little detail. And it's somewhat frustrating to see readers demanding more and more release without taking the time to understand why the translation rate is what it is.

                Positive_Lullaby If i had to rate your English then i would give it a -3/10. You understand the words, but you lack grammar. For example, you don't add s to verbs. You should study grammar, it is essential. Also reading on this website will only make your English worse.

                i agreee
                'tis very true

                Positive_Lullaby Most of the translations you read here are butchering the language. If you really enjoy reading then try reading some published western books which are properly edited by professionals.

                "some translations" not most.
                but yeah, your suggestion is a good idea

                Positive_Lullaby Since you don't understand the language much, you don't see how bad some of the translations are. But it is a huge issue on this website. Some translations are unreadable to anyone who understands English.

                still better than machine translated works, only slightly though. some translations i found on novelupdates is simply atrocious. i haven't ran into that kind of problem here though. the bad grammars are mostly from comments i read.
                but if people wanna learn proper english grammar, this forum is the last place you'd wanna look

                  Frk_ozbk Flaffy i surrender

                  i have to agree with @Flaffy on this, i think you might have the definition of "quality" incorrect

                  Frk_ozbk locition(

                  hello there my friend, i don't know what you googled but "locition" is not a word :smiley:

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