- Edited
Frk_ozbk No, honey, please let me give you the english run down.
noun: quantity
the amount or number of a material or immaterial thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement.
"the quantity and quality of the fruit can be controlled"
synonyms: amount, total, aggregate, sum, quota, mass, weight, volume, bulk; More
quantum, proportion, portion, part
"the quantity of food collected"
a certain, usually specified, amount or number of something.
plural noun: quantities
"a small quantity of food"
a considerable number or amount of something.
plural noun: quantities
"she was able to drink quantities of beer without degenerating into giggles"
synonyms: amount, lot, great deal, good deal, abundance, wealth, profusion; More
informalpile, ton, load, heap, buttload, mass, stack
"a quantity of ammunition"
the perceived length of a vowel sound or syllable.
noun: quality; plural noun: qualities
the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.
"an improvement in product quality"
synonyms: standard, grade, class, caliber, condition, character, nature, form, rank, value, level; More
sort, type, kind, variety
"the TV signal is of a poor quality"
general excellence of standard or level.
"a masterpiece for connoisseurs of quality"
synonyms: excellence, superiority, merit, worth, value, virtue, caliber, eminence, distinction, incomparability; More
talent, skill, virtuosity, craftsmanship
"work of such quality is rare"
excellent, superior, valuable, distinctive, incomparable;
well crafted;
"quality furniture"
high social standing.
"commanding the admiration of people of quality"
people of high social standing.
"he's dazed at being called on to speak before quality"
a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.
"he shows strong leadership qualities"
synonyms: feature, trait, attribute, characteristic, point, aspect, facet, side, property
"her good qualities"
In math we call them Quantitative and Qualitative values. One uses numbers, the other represents a characteristic of sorts. So in this case the Quantity = Number of chapters, Number of books, Number of Numbers, Number of any god damn thing. Quality = the degree of english in these novels vs the degree of english in the local news papers.
Anytime you say the "number of" that means quantity, so both of the things you gave are quantities lol.