Frk_ozbk no worries, both are important. The quality and speed will be always getting better very soon. You will see it
Quality or Quantity
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I do not know how many translator there are but people say there are not too many.So
are you trying to increase the number of translators or do you want to limit the number of novels?Do you have any plan for attract more translators? can you give some tips about your future plans ?
Quantity - to a certain extent. I can always auto correct grammar in my head. Missing words, wrong pronouns, incorrect adverbs adjectives etc...are easy to spot and understand. And if I'm really annoyed I just edit in a word doc. So grammatical errors really don't bother me much.
Errors in patterns of speech and identification do. These kinds of errors can change the meaning of a paragraph and make the story insensible.
Quantity =number of novel
Quality =number of chapter release for one week
i think you misunderstood :D
Frk_ozbk I prefer more quantity as long as they are not too atrocious.
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Frk_ozbk Well if they use my idea, where they put skilled translators on the more popular more commonly read novels, then you will get a both.
Certain novels that do not have a large reader base or not much quick pace in general in the novel could be used to help train editors and translators, readers would be happy with the slow release because the novel is so slow paced anyways, they aren't missing anything. And the popular novels will get pushed out so fast because of having skilled people on it. Not saying other novels will be undeserving but we already have the damn power ranking saying who likes what right? So essentially those with less power ranking will be used as the novel for new translators to work with.
It's no skin off anyone's back. Now that qidian is letting people pay exclusively for some content they should be able to afford a large scale operation, in the coming 2 quarters, unless of course they have debt then....damn qidian way to let the ball drop.
yummyrambutans It will be atrocious, picture those fobs from MMO's translating a novel..... it will be bad.... and there will be blood...
Frk_ozbk both of the two works at the same time, how could you enjoy reading some novels if it was not very well translated..
Rokuman_24 I did not say anything about translation quality.Translation quality always come first.What ı mean is, do you want qidian focus new novel or more chapter in a week.For me ı prefer translation speed ı don't want to finish a novel in a 4 year.
Obviously you would want something in between. i rather have one chapter a day that is readable, than some poorly edited chapter that was translated and edited by people who don't understand the language.
Positive_Lullaby guys is my english really that bad ? translation quality always be good.but i mean qidian can speed up the translation of some books instead of adding new books.
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Frk_ozbk Yea it's pretty bad. If i had to rate your English then i would give it a -3/10. You understand the words, but you lack grammar. For example, you don't add s to verbs. You should study grammar, it is essential. Also reading on this website will only make your English worse. Most of the translations you read here are butchering the language. If you really enjoy reading then try reading some published western books which are properly edited by professionals.
Since you don't understand the language much, you don't see how bad some of the translations are. But it is a huge issue on this website. Some translations are unreadable to anyone who understands English.
Flaffy you did not understand me :D and i cant tell you because ı don't know how to :D
Positive_Lullaby :( yeah ı know i can understand every world you wrote but ı can't make a sentence.
I do not speak English in my daily life.Like you said i need study grammar. :D
As a result the subject is closed.I got my answer from QİDİAN. ty
Kingfisher @Flaffy
"translation quality should always be good" yeap i meant to say this :(
I never thought I would lead to such a mess :(
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Kingfisher His sentence was already broken english, I cannot decipher his meaning so I use what is literally put since there was no should, there was no I think, nothing there for opinion, just blatant factual , incomplete statement?
Frk_ozbk translation quality always be good.but i m
It's a fractured statement.....
Frk_ozbk Then it makes no sense that you ask this question if quality of quantity if you think it should always be good, but you voted for quantity. Imagine every novel looks like you wrote it with fractured sentences, thats what you gonna get voting for quantity...just saying.
Frk_ozbk Also, it's not really a mess, you learned how to use should in a sentence you learned something, and you should be proud of that. Not everyone learns something on these forums. So turn that frown upside down K?
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Frk_ozbk No, honey, please let me give you the english run down.
noun: quantity
the amount or number of a material or immaterial thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement.
"the quantity and quality of the fruit can be controlled"
synonyms: amount, total, aggregate, sum, quota, mass, weight, volume, bulk; More
quantum, proportion, portion, part
"the quantity of food collected"
a certain, usually specified, amount or number of something.
plural noun: quantities
"a small quantity of food"
a considerable number or amount of something.
plural noun: quantities
"she was able to drink quantities of beer without degenerating into giggles"
synonyms: amount, lot, great deal, good deal, abundance, wealth, profusion; More
informalpile, ton, load, heap, buttload, mass, stack
"a quantity of ammunition"
the perceived length of a vowel sound or syllable.
noun: quality; plural noun: qualities
the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.
"an improvement in product quality"
synonyms: standard, grade, class, caliber, condition, character, nature, form, rank, value, level; More
sort, type, kind, variety
"the TV signal is of a poor quality"
general excellence of standard or level.
"a masterpiece for connoisseurs of quality"
synonyms: excellence, superiority, merit, worth, value, virtue, caliber, eminence, distinction, incomparability; More
talent, skill, virtuosity, craftsmanship
"work of such quality is rare"
excellent, superior, valuable, distinctive, incomparable;
well crafted;
"quality furniture"
high social standing.
"commanding the admiration of people of quality"
people of high social standing.
"he's dazed at being called on to speak before quality"
a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.
"he shows strong leadership qualities"
synonyms: feature, trait, attribute, characteristic, point, aspect, facet, side, property
"her good qualities"
In math we call them Quantitative and Qualitative values. One uses numbers, the other represents a characteristic of sorts. So in this case the Quantity = Number of chapters, Number of books, Number of Numbers, Number of any god damn thing. Quality = the degree of english in these novels vs the degree of english in the local news papers.
Anytime you say the "number of" that means quantity, so both of the things you gave are quantities lol.