My webnovel library and novels crashed is anyone else having this problem or know when this will be fixed?
Webnovel Online crash
Have the same problem, looks like server crush
Mine as well. Chapters aren't loading. It said connection issue or whatever.
Guess webnovel doesn't know how to make the server crashes stop huh
Same, some novels in my library even show that none of the chapters have been read
This isnt the first time, it's happened before
Same, some novels in my library even show that none of the chapters have been read
well my library is gone all novels say not being read which 99% of them have so webnovel killed itself again
I'm so saaaaad
I'm tooooooo
Does anybody know what it means when I try to go to my profile and at the bottom is says request timeout(-100006)???
Idem Error 404 ! :/
Basically webnovels fucked
Same problem. all novels in my library show that none was read and I can't even read anything
also got 404 error