i am asking this seriously, how stupid do you think qidian sees us as?

they say they have a businessmodel that is no paywall.

it's a model where you pay for spiritstones, that you then use to 'unlock' for chapters.

see that extra step? that's the difference between paywall and no paywall according to qidian.

now, on a scale of 1(stupid) to 10(completely mentally deficient, no more then a vegetable), how much of an idiot are you to qidian?

i'm going for 10

    You can post and expeess your opinion, but please only post constructive criticism. And dont attack other users.

    You have your view on things as with everyone else. Someone buying massive amount is spirit stone has nothing to do with you, right?

    So if we as community want to help or get changes, then be civil and offer constructive feedback.

    Post and thread like this do not help at all.

      There is no difference. It is a paywall. They are just using business jargon to confuse and mislead people of low intelligence. All businesses use this tactic. That's how casinos work, its not gambling if you use our imaginary currency! This how many casinos were being opened in places that banned them, they used this loophole.

        Luofuchen What are you even talking about? No one attacked other users and no one ridiculed someone who bought massive ammounts of spirit stones... Did your sjw urge come out or something?


        yeah, i'm saying we are smart enough to know that this is a paywall and not their bullshit "other system"

        not saying you're stupid if you pay.

          The power of money

          I want that power too even it only applies in this generation LOL

          Calling other as 'braindead' is an insult to me.

          For real.
          Since The QI drama with WW, I was already expecting an big bussiness from QI.

          WW has many translators, many are getting a lot of $$ for their work. This works as 'stand-alone' personel.

          But QI has much bigger aim. Some sort of way is needed to get their money back and to make this a positive bussiness. Its just a logical process.

          We can see how mich they are onvesting into QI to build everything up.

          Calm down and try to thing of a better way to make this model work. Where translators, editors, QI staff, authors and just everyone involved in QI to be happy.
          Dont forget about us, the readers.
          As many of us are just leechers, who dont want to pay anything because everything should be free sarcasm
          What about the future? The model should make QI sustainable.

          You see? It is impossible to balance everything out. Especially us readers are very sensitive.

          So post yur opinion, but try to help solve this problem. If you disagree with a move, try to express your disagreement in a civil manner.
          Maybe you can even post a better idea.

            Luofuchen again, i am not calling you braindead.

            i am merely pointing out that qidian is treating us as idiots by trying to mask their paywall in such an obvious way.

            see the difference? because if you don't understand, i don't mind explaining again.

            i know some people need a bit of patience before they get it... don't worry about it =)

            (there, now i treated you like an idiot =D best of both worlds! i feel so fulfilled now )

            and yes, i understand why qidian put up a paywall, though in my opinion they are just limiting their video revenue, and will not be able to match that with "premium" subscribers, ending with a loss instead of a gain, but that is something we'll only know later on.

            it is their full right to do so, but i am sad and a bit disappointed that, in spite of their pretty promises at the start, they still ended up like this.

            anyway, it is their site, and the stories are good, so paying for them might be good for those with the money for it.

            Meh we still get daily SS for logging in/power/energy stones. I don't see what you're so butt hurt about? Did QI come swanging into your room and rip you a new ass or something to be this angry?

              Also as for premium users what's the big deal? I couldn't give a fuck if someone was premium or not. I merely like to cause shit and enjoy my time reading when i can. Hell even if it was some premium billionaire i'd run his ass over let alone some drunk i "didn't see" :x:

                miomoimeik okey, thanks :D can't edit it though :P
                there seems a time limit for editing a comment after its been posted.

                  Luofuchen my view on this post is that it's somewhat informative. maybe it even serves as a wake up call for some people here.
                  imagine a poisonous plate of spaghetti. you know it's poisonous but you still wanna eat it 'cause it tastes so good.
                  then someone happened to walk by and they wanna warn you: "hey dude, that's poisonous. what are you doing to yourself."
                  see it's still up to you to decide whether you'd still wanna consume that plate of spaghetti. do you still wanna risk an ambulance's ride to the hospital for the heavenly taste of that sweet sweet munchies? :spaghetti: #noodles4lyfeyo #noregrets
                  maybe no spaghetti can defeat the godly you, so good for you. ignore him and move on

                    Miya ??🐖
                    Are you hungry or somethimy lmao? Spaghetti...

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