I don't understand why you apologize about posting a reply in which you disagree with me. There's nothing to apologize for.
I wasn't talking about books in my library. I was talking about the list of novels that appear when you select a genre. I wanted to find an author who publishes clean text, and it really was hell because of the page's mechanics.
I disagree with you about the typos and spelling errors. Inkstone actually has a spell checker built into it; it uses American English, and underlines mistakes in red. Not taking the trouble to correct a mistake that has already been highlighted in the text implies a lack of respect for the reader.
There is a difference between writing for your own self and writing for other people. When you make whatever you wrote available to other people, your creation automatically falls into the second category. You can write as sloppily as you like when it's for your viewing only.
A reader is like an important guest you've invited to your home - the piece you've written is your home. Would you receive your guest dirty, and wearing clothes that haven't been washed in weeks?
So you've uploaded a book cover even though it wasn't easy; that deserves respect, and actually sets you apart from people who haven't taken the trouble to do that.
I also don't understand this comment: please don't judge others if you haven't been in their shoes. I HAVE been in their shoes. English is my second language.
No, writing doesn't seem easy to me. Correcting mistakes that are already underlined in red does, though.
Here's the link to my book:
Based on what you wrote and how you wrote it, I don't think it's your kind of novel. But of course feel free to read it if you want, and criticize it if you want. I'll actually be grateful for constructive criticism that tells me what I should improve.
Thank you for taking the trouble to reply to my post.