title says it all. iwill review back _
i need review on my work
douloreuz I'm interested https://m.webnovel.com/book/14442945206446105
The Alterra Project
I'll gladly trade reviews as well.
No Systems, No Leveling, No Powers, No Harems, No 'Young Masters', No brain dead females gushing for MC. Just a good ol' realistic sci-fi mecha and military novel. Gaming is involved, but not in the traditional way.
Reviewed yours. Here's mine.
douloreuz I will write review.
mine- https://www.webnovel.com/book/13140161806891105/Stories-about-merchants-or-cunning-merchant
douloreuz done!
Hey, I am interested in review swap.
Here's my link.
Help me review and also drop yours as well for me to review.
Thank in advance
zetsubouaichan interested in review swap?
Gourmet_DAO interested in review swap?
Peachwoodgirl6 interested in review swap?
LordSputnik interested in review swap?
Kamlyn lets swap
stella2138 Done. And through the synopsis, the story seems really interesting.
Hope you could do mine too.
Kamlyn still need to do yours. Thanks for your review.
Kamlyn thanks. i'm reviewing right now after reading
Anyone want to try mine? Fresh territory as no one has reviewed yet. I have no idea what I'm even writing since I'm never written any fiction before.
XOMatsumaeohana it's okay. It's fine as long as you don't forget
Kamlyn Sure. I'll get back to you once I finished.
You can choose to review one the two books.
kazesenken Want to swap reviews?
zetsubouaichan Sure, I'll take a look at the idol one. Isn't that cover from Bang Dream?
kazesenken You're right. It is from Bang Dream.
I'll get back to you once I finished :)
Done. Help me with mine too, when you're free.
I am going to review your's please make time to review mine
Kamlyn Hi, would you like to review swap with me?
Here's mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/14408250005251405
XOMatsumaeohana Also mine too. Hope you wont forget me. huhu.
Yes. I am interested.
Peachwoodgirl6 I am done with yours.
Help with mine too.
Kamlyn done!
Gourmet_DAO Done from my side too..
Kamlyn Thnx a lot!
Kamlyn Done with yours :)
Kamlyn Yep, reading it right now.
kazesenken I'm done with yours. Interesting book. I hope to read more of it soon.
Ah! Then I'll love to try
Do I've to provide you a review?
Kamlyn And done with the honest review.
LordSputnik I read it. And working on yours now.