yaoyueyi love you and thank you so much.. Hope new writer will see this.

And really love this 👇🤣😊

yaoyueyi This is because the desktop version is the one with the least bugs, has the easiest interface

    Mostly, I did everything just with my instinct (browsing everything in here). But this will really help the new authors who still lost their way in everything here. 👍👍👍

      Yuki_Qing yeees they need to use desktop!!
      there are so many times where people are complaining about inkstone being a difficult interface bUT if they would ue desktop all of their problems would be solved asklfojhaiofha

      Elise_Elleneth I think that if most people just tried to browse around and play with the interface for like 15 minutes, they'll be able to figure out everything too, but a lot are just really not tech-savvy at all or very impatient. so yeah, hopefully it helps those that want instant. convenient answers! :D

        Thank you for bothering to do all this. This should help quite a lot if beginners, while also keeping the forum somewhat cleaner by pooling all related questions here.

          DaddyFishGotBigPp hopefully so :')
          (except, with my experience w/ my previous pinned book cover faq, even if it's pinned, people are still not going to read the first few threads & then go and start off 2190841098 new ones as usual... just hoping that this thread will cut down the influx of inkstone questions by about... 50%? lol)

          a month later

          A very useful thread for those who is still new to Inkstone and not a tech person.

            Looks like a top of the line guide/FAQ from what I could see.

            Well done.

              Clowniac sadly, I believe the record of having three pinned threads will be a little hard to achieve... :( but!! I will hope for the forum mod gods to bless me with a pin.

                11 days later

                What is the category section for when we fill up the novel information page?

                  a month later

                  ok, so explanation to the testing: I can't write any new posts on my diary. it's wack.

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