[unknown] thanks
[unknown] so it's like im buying those "unlocked" chapters through spirit stones?
Youryum Wrong way of living, what the heck are you even saying? I just trying to tell or something that make them understand what about the changes should do.
pamelicious Did you even know what is the premium system about?? IT Will just explode your own head about that.. when you know it.
Angsweetko123 oh really? Easy..
Shivaniii yeah, but they keep making an argumentation conversation here cause of the unfair system? what can you say about that? isn't unfair enough to be implemented
yalem Yeah cause they like to push something that somehow not all people are agreeing with that..
Angsweetko123 All i can say is, life's unfair, so does spirit stones. If it would be given for free then I guess books must also have no monetary value
Excuse me, people. Newbie here. Does speaking English required in this thread? Sorry for asking. nosebleed
LadyinRed Hi there! welcome to the club! It was very pleased to meet you here. Hope to enjoy your stay here :D I'm Sweet
Shivaniii Why would they even do that, if in the first place we can use the Spirit Stones for a great value and now they just decreased it, like they just use us to gain more popularity, that wasn't seems so nice at all.
Yo, I'm Red. Nice to know you.
Neverfire7 Are you the one who keep promoting this damn discord here? get a life dude
Youryum sigh people are really impolite these days...
Youryum You claim he has no life, but the majority of your posts consist of you arguing with others on this forum :joy:
I think you're the one that needs to get a life; if you spend your time arguing with others on meaningless matters over the internet, then you need to sort yourself out. Either that, or you're just a troll :smirk:
ps. Come join the discord! It's the most harmonious place out there! :smirk:
It's became quiet her for a while...... I see it's the calm after the storm.....
Aisia Ahahahaha.... You would know a lot about storms, isn't it Miss?