Ugh... U guys... I just want to read,,, as long as there is 1/2 free chapter a day its OK, as for premium,,, just pay it if u want it, if not, then wait... Its not like they stop with free chapter? correct me if im wrong?
Now every update is not free?
LtBeefy God no! I felt like BttH and DE suffered from the same issue of quantity over quality I keep harping on about. Part of the reason 200 chapters were locked away was probably because they were so easy to translate due to the same sentences appearing in almost every chapter with little change; sometimes twice in one chapter! Besides, my argument is more that it will make readers look elsewhere for the same content if it appears to be inaccessible the way they do now, and unlike locking it behind Patreon, there are other ways to get the content they want. If you look at what some people are saying on the threads, apparently there are already websites dedicated to copying and pasting the premium chapters, and Qidian will end up wasting a ton of energy trying to shut one down only to have two pop up in its place. Also, there are the people who just have a bunch of dummy accounts who will work around the system that way.
LtBeefy they promised 1 free a day. So. Where is my 1 free a day? Nowhere. Oops? So if I want to continue reading I must forever pay from this moment.
I prefer real, complete premium, per month for example to have access to all. I do not like sh*tty system to pay up to 300$ for 1 novel of 800 chaps of middle leight. For this sum I can buy up to 10 REAL books with pro proofreading, not scrap chaps with mistakes.
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LtBeefy Let me just say as a conclusion here that it was genuinely enjoyable discussing this with you. You make some great points that I have to concede have merit, and I am glad that we could have a civil discussion about our viewpoints on the issue. I have been craving someone with some sense to challenge me on this and see what the other side would say in response. I feel more informed now thanks to you. I'm glad to see not everyone looks at a difference of opinion as an attack on their character.
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ImperfectInfinity yup good chat. And yea premium thing isn't perfect and many problems with it still. But may be my view is partly better cause I've always kept in my mind that in like other novel sites qidian is a business and businesses goal is to turn a profit. This it's hard 2 surprise me with things if you keep that in mind. And yes here you'll problem see me take the unpopular side a lot because i feel need to try and view things rationally in the view of business.
Personally on what I prefer is a different matter hehe. Prefer if they stayed with 4 stones or watch an ad.
Sighs, 6am I need to head to sleep.
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LtBeefy Exactly right. Business is business even if business is the worst.
Everything has a price - lyrics from price tag. LOL
Authors and translators also needs to live so they need money for their work. They have families to feed. Life to live with.
I once read that if you are good with something, never do it for free LOL
In our world that being wealthy gives you a lot of choices, it really favors the rich.
I'm not against anything cause everything changes in a blink of an eye. The free becomes not free, the release becomes slower than before, but in the end I still wanted it to be free LOL
If they require a monthly subscription on it then I'll look for other site just like that.
Business is business. Someone needs a profit. For those who can afford then pay for it,for those who can't, can afford but too thrifty, and those who really can't afford then look for another site. stay if you want, go if you want, pay if you want, don't pay if you want. Qidian will always be qidian.
Now if you ask me then I stay as long as there is some free LOL
Peace out man
takeshi_zaizen My unpopular novels will probably never see the light of premium. Invest your time to them now! Thriller Paradise, Spirit Sword Mountain, Sacred Ruins, RITF, and TIDE gogogo. Hahahahahaha
LtBeefy I think a lot of people are mad because what used to be 3 chapters free a day became 1, and the SS costs spiked overnight. I would hardly call that a gradual transition. I think that if they had done this as a multi step process, this would have been a lot easier to swallow.
Maybe over the course of 2 weeks the could have done the following:
Day 0: Introduce pay per chapter length, Scale back release rate
Day 7: Scale back release rate (from 3 per day to 2 per day)
Day 14: Full implementation of premium
Honestly, the more gradual the period between changes, the less people griping. And the scaling back of chapters would be seen as a translator decision and spread some of the heat to them.
LtBeefy question to ask isn't how many premium chapters there are in rtw. But if rtw is still releasing the guaranteed 7 chapters free every week. As those 16 chapters are suppose to be the extra premium/patreon chapters. I'm letting rtw stockpile atm so idk if it has kept to the 7 free a week or not. But if it has idk why u mad when they keeping their promise.
Did you take that line out of context on purpose or didn't you read through all the texts.
Paperplane If you're comparing this to naver, are you saying that the gap is too big wide between free readers and SS here? I thought the gap was 10 chapters.
Ebu8b Nope it's increasing. I opened a thread where is asked that question. RTW had distance of 12 back then, now it's 16.
I am not mad, just explained the difference between Navers premium and Qidians premium. Paperplane and I were discussing other sites with premium systems. So the increasing gap was important in that aspect.
LtBeefy premium scares people because they don't understand it
OldManDuotian 300$ for 1 novel of 800 chaps of middle leight. For this sum I can buy up to 10 REAL books with pro proofreading
Or more likely because they get it and at the same time these people are asking for a sub system, ignoring them doesn't help the site on the long run, especially in the future when more novels become premium and free reader have to become premium users.
Chrissy I'll try that and make a feedback on it
Chrissy what is ritf and tide?
Wth guys, i thought this thread is dead! I havent check forum for a day. Why the F, you guys yelling each other here.
I dont hate premium, but disappointed toward something. They dont do some announcement for this. Now its ok, i love ads :'(
Now im walking aimlessy
I just need to patiently wait
Tbh, I would like a subscription system where I can pay X amount of money a month to choose like 3,5,10, n, amount of novels to have all translated chapters unlocked. It works well for people who only follow certain novels, while also possibly being cheaper for people who follow a lot of novels (discount for high # sub package) . No worries about this weird stone system with volatile prices, currency that expires, waiting for discounts and so on.
Just watch ads to keep your SS and think of it as a way to help the Author/Editor/Translator......
Watch ads
Ads are missing on "Release That Witch"?
27 premium chapters?
That equals to 194 SS, I prefer ads to buying SS.
Watching ads is a hassle though but buying ss is a hassle too xd
Just wanna say: if this :) premium system hit my novel, I would read those novel in another site. There is a lot of sites that give me all that :) for free.