What the hell is going on with the timer??!!
Sometimes it runs at half the speed of the actual time and sometimes it doesn't register the time you have spent reading
I continuously read a comic for an hour or so, and the counter hardly changed
Please fix this bug as soon as possible, it's really difficult to reach 960mins with this problem going on
PS : I was connected to the internet the entire hour I spent reading
Reading timer
8 days later
This is getting really irritating now!!
So many times it isn't updating the time counter. And when I stop reading after 30 mins or 60 mins it's the same as it was before. Really frustrating!
Yeah, there has been cases where it's been inactive.
I think it has always worked for me though, do make sure you have a strong connection and is reading online rather than offline.
Other than that, I'm not sure how I can help.
I read on a phone (Android/OnePlus) and it has always worked properly for me.
6 days later
Last week I somehow logged 96 minutes for doing almost nothing while this week I started a new series and have 11 minutes total despite my actual phone usage stats saying I’ve been in app for at least 2 hours. The thing is broken