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Team Webnovel

    UnderworldDream Probably once paying for spirit stones becomes a normal thing. Apparently it's a bit painful to add new payment methods, so you might have to wait a bit before they add a new payment method. As always, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

      PayPal on desktop, Googles pay system on android and Apples App store payment system. That's fairly diverse considering how big the companies are.

      When does the bonus SS purchased expire? 3 months like daily check in??

      That is too fast.. It is impossible to spend 5000 SS in a short 3 months (even 6 months is short, especially since not many premium novels)

      PS. I supported the site and I am currently No 30 in contribution

      I want to buy SS,unfortunately my phone cannot support billing transaction.. Is my phone is so outdated that as such it cannot process it? N i just updated the webnovel to latest version which is 2.3.1 using app store, n i keep watch if there is new version 2.4 which qidian keep on updating.. What should i do?

        will i just geve my brother my email and password to purchas spirit stones va iphone 2 days ago but noting hapind
        what to do
        ps:i dont know his ID and he use my gmail in qidian

          been trying to buy some ss but it opens the new page but just keeps loading

          I'm trying to buy some spirit stones once, to show support but the paypal link doesn't work right now. It's been loading for 10 minutes. Eventually I'd like to pay X every month and access all premium chapters. This kind of subscription is probably not gonna happen, but whatever :P

          I like webnovel enough to pay 20 or 30$ a month, but I'll never put this money into something like spirit stones because it just doesn't feel right.

            Stratelus Err, I don't think that'll be a good idea with the monthly payment of 20 to 30 dollars a month when there are other companies out there such as Hulu and Netflix for a subscription as little as 10 bucks per month. A lot of people will be enrage if that were to happen.

              EvilRaccoon Well I Guess there is a difference between novels and movies.. and the percentage of economy on different countries

                Rokuman_24 I hope one day, admin would say that they change the system of making Spirit Stones without wasting our money.

                  Youryum You could not change the course of action that QI had made this past they, but on the other hand it just an attemp (maybe) by adding more features for accessing more chapters. And I guess there is a mass release behind this. But as a reader we are expecting a good quality of translated novels.

                    Youryum and on the other hand, you are not obligated to use your money that is why ss exist and so the other ways of getting more ss .

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