What do you guys think about the new interface? I’m semi-ok with it since it looks a bit nicer but my library is totally messed up; books i’ve removed ages ago are now added and now i’m not sure if there are any novels missing because I don’t keep track much. This keeps happening and it’s really getting on my nerves.. anyone else experience the same?

Also, I’m definitely against the “percentage” feature that tells you how long you’ve read a book.. it was bad enough that the chapter count was all over the place because of the privilege system.. knowing the amount of chapters left is a good feature so why remove it? Anyone agree? 🙃

    I like the look, but like others I don't like that they've removed the chapter count below the book. Also since the update, I can't go through notifications to open up the comments/paragraph notes to reply. It just keeps giving me an error message.

      I don’t like the new design. They moved everything around and changed how the sorting works. I really liked when I could tap on recently updated and check what has been updated since reading last. I would then go back to my main page and choose what I wanted to read. Now it just rearranges your novels. Another issue I have is the chapter count changing to percentage instead. I don’t remember where I am up to in a novel by going, ‘oh I’m up to x%’. One more issue I found about percentage is that it changes with the amount of chapters posted which means you could stop reading a novel for a month or so and the percentage would have lowered. Whereas if you have chapter count the total chapters change and the chapter your on doesn’t change. I also dislike the new menu tab, it’s shuffled everything around and I found it a lot more convenient then the new one. I preferred the old one much better. Did I mention how they made it harder to see when your novels updated.

      Edit: forgot to mention the stone’s next to your profile picture. They replaced the symbols for the stones with words and added a really obnoxious TOP UP button.
      The main issue I have with the new reading page is if a novel updates, to find out which novel update you need to tap the three dots in the top right, select recently updated, tap out, see which novels updated, tap three dots again, select recently read, tap out. In the past you just tapped on recently read and saw all you needed to see. You would then tap the back arrow and be back to your library.

      Edit v2: the recently updated and library sections that I complained about may have just been a case of user error.

      TL;DR: I don’t like new design, change back to previous one.

      I agree with all the complains above about the percentage, the structuration and addition/rétraction of novel from the library etc...

      But can someone explain to me what is the farming option?? I didn’t see it before the update and don’t see any difference if it’s activated or not and it scares me

        Taku I tried looking into the farming thing as well and came up with nothing. Some people said it was the reading preference in landscape /portrait, but I tried it and nothing happens. Farming might be related to that new currency that’s supposed to show up in certain books for use in trading in points for discounts?

        Also for those who want to see the chapters there is a none permanent way. Under your library go to your options in the upper right corner and choose to see “history” it will show you the books with the chapters there but you can’t keep it that way.

        Taku So I read another user on another thread explain that according to @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Farming is:

        “Strongly believe many of u have watched ads through reading. It was a pre-setting for the Farming mode. In the latest version upcoming, you can be actually making money by watching ads through reading. That is the farming mode. The goal of farming mode is to give readers an alternative to "farm" extra SS and redeem more gifts in the future (even real goods or Amazon gift cards etc). Cirrently it only impact a few free novels. We will take a look and expend into wider if necessary.”

        Astarria_Draglionz same when ever I want to read the message I have to go on the notifications tab and then if the message is to long it will chop it down by doing ..... but I can’t click it as it will show error.

          Is it only me or the Night mode key is malfunctioning? I'm in Night Mode because I turned it on while I was reading but in the account page, it is off so when I turned it on, the Night mode actually turned off.. like, is this a two-way light switch? Lol

          The badges count is also a bug, all accounts I've seen so far, including mine, are capped at 10 badges even though the actual count exceeded that..

            tommy_king I’ve had this with every comment in my notifications inbox. Also, I think I remember the inbox being able to load and scroll down quite far (no limit even?) but a while back it it stop loading past the first 20 entries. It gives the loading circle of dots thing briefly then jumps the page up three odd entries without showing any new ones.

            I already complain days ago but seem like the new update don't really fix this. My android is now lag so bad when reading so does my ipad. My internet is very good but it keep show connection error after a few scroll.

              XystOblivion yeah I noticed that too even before the update and the app not properly loading from the iPad taskbar. I agree that percentages is very annoying and the extra chapters privilege is just a money grab by the site better spent on chapters

              BlueEnchantress I haven’t experienced this but something else.. like how the night mode would be on but not working.. in this case i’d have to turn it off then back on for it to work.. that’s almost every time i use the app. This has been happening before the app update though

                graysonbu3rows If you want to sign out of your account; just go to settings then sign out from there

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