Hi I have recently spent 1250 ss to purchase privledge on the story of otherworldly evil monarch

From where I stard each time you make a privledge purchase the offer clearly states pay x amount of spirit stones to receive 5 more chapters or 10 more chapters.

I have gotten to the third tier and realised this is not the case I have paid 1250ss and have only received access to 25 privledge chapters in total not 25 more.

As such I feel like this privledge is being misold and I would like to discuss rectifying this with webnovel

    When purchasing chapters, initially you'll have access to the amount you paid for. But after that, you'll get regular updates.
    For example,
    Say you paid for five chapters, you're now 5 chapters ahead of the regular updates. However each time the book updates, you'll get the same amount of chapters you get for regular updates. Not 5 chapters each time. The only difference is that you're 5 chapters ahead of everyone.

      Hi _Chanyeol_ Chanyeol.

      I understand that but that is not my point, when purchasing privledge it says purchase 5 more chapters, then the next one says purchase 15 more chapters.

      However when you buy it you are only eligible to read 10 more chapters... If I had known this I wouldn't have paid double the SS in order to get less than double the amount of privilege chapters _Chanyeol_

        21 days later

        My issue on buying the priviledge is another case though.. here's the deal, 1st i bought 5 chapters...ok i was given the 5..then i bought the next 15 priviledge, i didnt get exactly 15 as.i.expected but instead I ONLY GOT 10...then I just realized that the 1st 5 i earlier bought is already INCLUDED in the 15 new purchased chapters..One Final thing is i got stuck now with the last chapter i purchase (99th divorce chp1161) and i can no longer read the nxt update..it says to wait for 28days _hrs_mins..blah blah..

        Could it be that i have already the continuous updating??? Not so clear....

          My issue on buying the priviledge is another case though.. here's the deal, 1st i bought 5 chapters...ok i was given the 5..then i bought the next 15 priviledge, i didnt get exactly 15 as.i.expected but instead I ONLY GOT 10...then I just realized that the 1st 5 i earlier bought is already INCLUDED in the 15 new purchased chapters..One Final thing is i got stuck now with the last chapter i purchase (99th divorce chp1161) and i can no longer read the nxt update..it says to wait for 28days _hrs_mins..blah blah..

          Could it be that i have already the continuous updating??? Not so clear....

            Good Lord, not again. Guys, please read the other privilege threads and the explanations there before posting new complaints.

            Again, buying 15 privilege chapters doesn't mean you get 15 new chapters. It means you get to stay 15 chapters ahead of non-privilege readers. No more, no less. So, for example, if you read until Chapter 1146, and you can't wait until tomorrow for Chapter 1147, you can buy the 5-privilege thing to stay 5 chapters ahead of everyone else who is non-privilege. That means you unlock until Chapter 1151. If you have cash to burn, or you're still too impatient to wait, you can then buy the 15-privilege thing to stay 15 chapters ahead of non-privilege readers - in other words, you unlock until Chapter 1161. You don't get 15 extra chapters. You stay 15 chapters ahead of others. I hope you guys understand the difference.

            Of course there is no update once you purchase the 15-privilege thing - that is the highest tier. It's not as if the writer as a stockpile of 1,000 chapters somewhere for you to purchase over and over again. Chances are, she hasn't written Chapter 1162 yet, and will probably only upload it tomorrow. Your privilege allows you to be the first to read Chapter 1162, while non-privilege readers will only get to read a newly unlocked Chapter 1147. That's all. There is no point in trying to purchase privilege again - it's a monthly system that allows you to remain 15 chapters ahead of other readers, not give you 15 new chapters upon every purchase. So you have to wait 28 days for that monthly subscription to expire, and then renew it next month to stay 15 chapters ahead. Not buy 15 new chapters. It doesn't work that way.

            There have been a lot of people explaining this over and over and over again, and honestly, could you guys just please read the explanations on the other threads instead of creating new ones or jumping into other existing ones and complaining about the same thing again?

              Lilliny Even so, the people here can just click on the other threads and read the explanations instead of creating new privilege threads or commenting the same thing over and over again.

              One day I'm just going to give up and not bother explaining. Maybe I should just leave the forums.

                Tomoyuki some people are just so used to not have to look for the information they need. I dunno if it's laziness or ignorance. I wouldn't be nearly as nice as you.

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