False hope is what webnovel is best at smilecry
Discounts not applied?
BluebellBerry And in a week they'll tell you that you had a 60% off of some novels [here's the list] but that event ended last week; you didn't know ? sorry for you
Kruncd I think it was a notification stating that your eligible for next month’s discount.
Kruncd Where can I see these discounts? From what countries?
Currently have the same problems
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @Webnovel_Staff I also have the same issue.
IndecisivePITA Nope! It's say you're eligible to enjoy 60% discount for the net 30 days. READ NOW!!!
I got to unlock a chapter with a 60% discount just now and the next chapters weren't applied.
Same here I wonder what is happening. I got a message that I get 60%discount for the next 30 days. I also tried updating my app thinking that was the problem but the app wouldn't update even after it shows completed.
Same here, can this please be rectified quickly? Please?!!!
I opened my library, open a book ND saw a 60% discount. I closed that book and opened another one, I also saw a 60% discount. I went back to the first book and discount disappeared, I checked other chapters and there was a discount I tried opening the chapter and the discount disappeared again. I am very sad
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I some chapters (very few) unlock with the discount while most just load endlessly and never open. Can you fix this and either refund chapters or extend promo? This is FALSE ADVERTISING.
MAO_QUI like they give a .... About fals advertising