Do not spare me can send bullet, just answer me honestly, please.
Um nope, we can't because... We don't have a link.
Its bad and flows terribly. You watch too many movies. Do that less. Read more books.
A link would be so much easier to get....well anything. Reviews, comments, attention- you know.
Something about your novel though: It's really hard to understand. Not just bad grammar but your story is messy and spilling. You need to have a better sense of what you want to say/portray.
What is this guy's power? What does he want to achieve? What is supposed to be interesting about this new world he is in?
You 'say' it but as a reader, I can't understand what you're trying to say/communicate in this novel. But hey it's only 5 ch rn so good luck dude,
You can still review it (maybe I'll just copy and paste what I just posted for those exp points?) but it's not very substantial at this amount.
I honestly wondered where all the 5star reviews on this novel comes from? Just interesting to note that they're all lvl1 accounts with no other activity except 'reviewing' this story within the last week.
I could look into it. But question is will I.
Hm. I'm 30% music, 30% all forms of literature (comic, manga, novels, web lit, poetry, etc.) 20% anime. 20% movies, TV series, media in general. And 100% life experiences. For a grand total of 100% to 100% ratio.
N-no I meant the book. The book that the author wrote. It's got too many movie references and anime first episode shenanigans...
- Edited
Really. He could rework it to be more like a comic strip. Short Episodes of different parodies, or references, not a story but more of a fun mini what's it called, damn I seriously forgot as I was writing. It however gives me a great idea for a publication imma do. Thanks for your info on his novel. Really sparked some fun ideas.
You're such a fucking nerd I cannot believe it its sickening my Christmas has been ruined.
I'm not a NERD...