TheLonerLion Hey! My eldest brother lives in Singapore, and many of my friends are now either working or became the citizen/PR of Singapore. In fact, my hometown is just an hour away from Singapore!

Actually, there are a few translators are from either Malaysia or Singapore... they are just too shy / too busy in translating.

How's life in Batam? I've never been there before, do you mind tell me anything about your hometown?

    StackThatCoin Batam... Hahaha... A perfectly good place to waste money... I recommend you to be careful if you ever go there (I'm a few hours away from batam, open Google map and search 'Singkep Island'), a lot of fake things was sold there. But there's also good one if you can find a good place to spend money.

    The last time I was at Singapore was two years ago... And in my opinion, about Singapore is... Everything's​ expensive.

    'Singkep Island' I was lucky to be born here... The air is clean and cool, the people know each other, and there's a lot of good people. We have a good life here, there's no traffic jam. But we aren't​ a backwards Island. We do know technology, and there's many shops. But I never recommend to buy any clothes from this Island. The fabric was... Ugh... doesn't worth the money.

    We got to buy fresh veggies and fish everyday... But it was hard to get your hand on pork.

    People could survive with $160 / months of salary, for food and rent. Mine is $76.

    I always thought... Maybe if one of you from another country with a standard salary move to my hometown... You will suddenly become a rich man.

    The good thing from this place is... If you are stressed, there's beach... Beach everywhere... You can go there to relax every week if you want to.

      TheLonerLion I googled a little about Singkep Island, it looks beautiful! And some part of it looks just like my hometown... I'm sure I'll have some quality time there, if I ever have the chance to visit the island!

      I love your introduction. And thank you for the pictures. They look amazing.
      My color suggestion: light green. soothing and refreshing. 😄

        Keep it up felllow doist!!!! in every twist and turn there's a silver lining...

        Queue Light green is one of our choices, though it gets boring after some time​s...

          I'm living in Taiwan! If there's anything you need to know about your trip here I'd be more than happy to help. I loved your story; it encompasses all the ups and downs of life. The silver linings are starting to show up so hang in there! Cheers!

          @StackThatCoin, for your walls, I've two colors. Yellow and black man. Yellow and black. XD But that virtual house painter from Susre was is a great idea. As for quiet place, I think carpet absorbs sound better than wooden tiles, plus works slightly better at insulating the house from the freezing foundation.

          It was great reading a life story from you! It's so realistic and plausible that I feel like "that person that STC was talking about? Yeah, that could be me."

          And do you think your secret honeymoon trip will remain a secret from her? Maybe she might be secretly following you, reading whatever you translated. Who knows how a woman thinks. *shrugs*

            About the hot springs--there are namely three famous places for hot springs that are within a day's travel from the capital- Beitou and Yanmingshan are in Taipei, Jiaoxi is to the east. I've heard Jiaoxi has better spring quality and the springs are built in relatively more natural environs... but I've never been there before. The ones in Yanmingshan aren't so elegantly built, but you can hike throughout the National Park before relaxing at the hot spring, which is a bonus. The ones in Beitou are more modern and built like hotels.

              Alsey Yes!!! Finally someone from Taiwan! We enjoy natural environment very much, and sounds like Jiaoxi is a better choice, and Yangmingshan looks great either. Which hot springs had you visited? We might visit a few of them, make the entire trip a 'hot' trip!

              Nou your suggestion of yellow and black is bold, and I don't think me and my wife can take it... hahaha! Carpet is a good idea, but as both me and my wife is pretty lazy in cleaning the house, having it might have a negative impact on our breathing health, unless we can hire someone to clean our house on daily/weekly basis.

              Actually, by choosing to tell my story, I hope it can serve as a reminder to anyone who read it: don't be someone like me... haha, it is not easy to go through all those downs in the life.

              As for whether would my wife finds out the secret, don't worry. I've told her that many people showed their love to my story, trying to entice her to read it. Her response? 'Oh, nice.' Then continued with her work... T_T

                I've only been here for about 2 years, so I'm not a big expert on travel here. But I'll advise you with what I know.
                If you're planning to make it a hot spring trip, you might want to consider buying coupons instead of directly booking into the hotels; its much cheaper that way. Link:

                I've only been to Beitou, I did go to Yanmingshan but did not enter the hot springs due to time constraints. Beitou is severely lacking in the natural department ha ha. You could put together an eastern route that includes Hualian, Taroko, Jiaoxi, etc.
                In Taipei I do suggest you visit the Yanmingshan National Park; its very scenic and... (vast and majestic mountains with verdant trees, surging with vitality--like a heavenly.,.. Oh wait... this isn't a translation...) you can spend a whole day there and then soak in the foot springs or the actual hot spring. Except perhaps the actual hot spring its all free.
                Then if you still have time you could go down to the SunMoon lake. It has awesome views and you can enjoy a boat ride on the misty lake or hike the nearby hills. There are more sights down to the south, but its too far.

                  Alsey Coupons!! I love coupons! Hehe, I'll browse through the page tonight. Yanmingshan is definitely on the list, we might pay a visit to Qingjing farm as well.

                  Where do you from actually?

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