I think it is better to use the old version of spirit stones. You need to spend money for the coins and you just received only 1 free pass per day.

    almasage i disagree. I think the new set up is quite bold to suppress ones chance to enjoy story from free cheese that we painstakingly strive to save for a very good story..even were no mouse thats for sure but as someone has mentioned b4..this free ss are being offered before as part of their marketing strategy, its not like we demanded for it.
    Now that there are more and more readers are delved in, marketing wanted to use this just like the "priviledge" thing to once more trap us readers and swallow the tricky way of earning...
    yeah, goodbye web novel, surely, youll never notice one reader like me at all removing this app.

      I agree with with you but I still think they should give us at least 10 to 12 ss free as a peace of mind seriously

      almasage In our country there is no full conversion. That is, in order to get dollars, you must buy a bank card, transfer local currency to it, pay a commission, purchase a dollar card, pay the cost of the card, go to an ATM, exchange for dollars, pay a fee. Then go to the bank, pay through SWIFT, you will be asked a bunch of questions, if the payment does not fall into the list of allowed transfers, then you cannot pay. There is a second way to send web money or buy a master or visa card, but this is such a hassle.

      Therefore, I used only free of charge SS.

      At the same time, a couple of days before switching to coins, I gave 300 stones to two novels.

      Now I have 7 coins and 18 passes.

      But there is no time to read other novels, I am writing chapters for my new novel))

        Snowiezea yeah, they will not notice if I leave the webnovel too, frustrating eh?

        I have two apps on my cellphone, and the second one gives only 8 or 18 free coins daily while chapters there cost 35+ coins. So I had to buy coins every time I read a novel that is not free. From this perspective, WN is very lenient to their readers.

        It gives free passes that can be used for 3 chapters a day. If a person not comfortable with it, then you can read only free works. There are plenty of them on WN with good quality.
        For example, my novel has almost 2M views and 230+ chapters (long ones, I should say) and it's absolutely free because I didn't sign the contract with WN. If the work is free it doesn't mean that it has less quality it could mean that the author had his own reasons not to become contracted.

        So if you don't want to spend money on the coins, then read free works only.
        But if you like the story and want to read it, I don't see what is the problem to be grateful and support the author by spending some coins on that work?

          I read freelance work when there is a SS I give gifts - the total amount of gifts has been 1000 ss for the last two months.

          There are passes, you can read paid novels, but I don’t have time for this)) I am writing updates to my novel.

          So the transition from SS to passes and coins somehow did not really affect me.

          Merry christmas and a happy new year!

          And then Orthodox Christmas and Old New Year!

          Anya_Nesh а как называется Ваш роман? 230 глав? какой жанр?

          С наступающими Новогодними Праздниками!

            Gourmet_DAO My friend who lives in Uzbekistan has the situation smth like that, that's why she used only free SS too. And now she reads only 1 premium novel because of fast pass.
            When you send the gift or open the chapter with free SS the author gets nothing (because they were free, duh) so even if you gifted two novels with 300 coins it was nice but useless for the author.
            Now, after the last update, it's more convenient to choose whether to use fast pass or coins. I use FP for comics because their chapters are more expensive and rather short and Coins for opening novel chapters.
            Or you can use FP for the novel you like and purchased coins for the novel you like very much. :D
            In any situation, the person can find good sides to look at. _

              Gourmet_DAO Благодарю! И Вас с наступающими праздниками! Пусть пройдут с замечательным настроением и новый год будет успешным!
              Моя работа называется The Numbers That Brought Our Fates Together , находится в разделе сай-фай ромэнс.
              Тоже пыхтю над главами по возможности :D Удачи в написании новой работы!

                Anya_Nesh This is a problem for some CIS countries with a foreign currency transfer. I hope the situation will get better in the future!

                Okay, thanks for explaining the situation with ss.


                Anya_Nesh Спасибо! Пойду смотреть! Надеюсь почитать на Новый Год! Если есть более 200 глав это круто! Можно запастись чаем, яблоками и читать на Новый Год хорошую историю! Респект за ссылку!

                Взаимно! Надеюсь Новый Год будет интересней, веселей, лучше предыдущего!

                Огромное спасибо! Жаль, что мой английский не такой хороший. но пишу как могу, мне это в радость! Спасибо и удачи!

                С уважением,

                Is anyone else missing ss or fp I keep track and I’m definitely missing some of both that I didn’t use, and no one elder has my account

                  Is anyone else missing ss or fp I keep track and I’m definitely missing some of both that I didn’t use, and no one elder has my account

                    I dont get any coins. I read in total 240 Minutes this week on wendesday, but i still dont get coins for it since the new System. In the old System: it worked.

                      berfan There are no more coins for reading! What you get are Farming Points that you can find through Profile > Store > My Points.

                        berfan mqte we dont get coins for reading time anymore.
                        We now get points , 10 of them each time.
                        These points can be used to exchange for voucher. But for one voucher you would need 4000 points at least.

                          I definitely prefer the old version of using spirit stones. At least I can unlock way more chapters a day. With the free pass to unlock chapters, the most I can unlock is 3 chapters a day only.

                            ad3lyn I also liked the old system of stones more than a week, I managed to get up to 100 stones. But apparently they came up with a new marketing move. They are testing it, if it goes with a bang, then they’ll come up with something new, until the site probably becomes 100 percent paid. In the meantime, there is still the opportunity to watch for free, I will stay on the site.

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