It used to be that there was a video watching option that gave a few SS and a check-in bonus multiplier. Now there is only the check-in bonus rewards which only gives +5 Exp. I'm not saying you need to bring the former back, but it'd be nice if the ad watching at least gave something useful. I don't know a ton about ad revenue, but I'd like to support WN in some way, and I'm not currently likely to buy coins. It's a bit hard to motivate wasting 30s of my time for 5 Exp. Maybe change it to a few coins or a fast pass?
Make ads more useful again
Thvar With farming (on select stories, just look out for that yellow bag in the top right corner), you collect points by reading, and ads will pop up on some pages (change from page scroll to page turn). So technically, the ads are still here, and quite a lot of them too. You can get a lot of points by farming, and then use these points for fast pass and vouchers like site wide free comic reading for 7 days.