Is it to lose weight? Or get buff? Or maybe kick a bad habit, or reconnect with loved ones?
Whatever it is, I wanna know!
Is it to lose weight? Or get buff? Or maybe kick a bad habit, or reconnect with loved ones?
Whatever it is, I wanna know!
I have several:
Write more.
Draw more.
Have more fun.
& Try not to die
I have no new years resolution.
Just what imma be doing. MUAHAHA.
My New Decade Resolution
Finish writing my in progress books.
I have 7 x in progress books to finish (incl. Sunflower). And another 6 x planned. 13 x books delivered to potential masses by 2022. Big ambition and I doubt I can deliver this many. I don't intend to stop until all these are done and dusted.
To me, being published isn't just about the money (although that is a lovely and welcomed by-product). It's about delivering works of art I'm proud of and hopefully other people would be able to enjoy. I can't write a story that I don't enjoy writing and believe in myself.
to become a forum mod...
To get my novel to the point that I'm not ashamed to show it to people I actually know irl.
Rak0 Wtf, your resolutions are literally the same for me! Are you me, or am I you? Jk, Rak is singular and unique. I just wanted a chance to say that line.
Specifically for writing and drawing, I want to finish the first book in my series by this year and start working on the comic version of it.
kazesenken Same. Same.
I even bought materials to make the physical book myself some months back. I got fascinated by the book binding process, and since I love crafts (and being cheap too lol), I decided to βpublishβ my book this way eventually when I finish.
Finish the book that I have started here by the end of this year. Hopefully.
Get better in terms of both, physical and mental health. Hopefully.
Try and keep my cortisol in control. Sigh.
Smile, laugh and dance regardless of how awful life gets.
kazesenken I'm the opposite lol. I'm scared of showing mass groups of strangers. Only ever showed my works irl to both people I know and strangers I met along the way. This is the first time imma show my work in a place I feel extremely. Lets just say shitty lol.
Only thing going for me. Is that what I'm publishing here are fun projects. To help mature some aspects of my current style.
Get a fcking job, for real. Maybe.
I feel like this was also my previous year's resolution, must be just my imagination I guess.
My resolutions:
My resolutions:
1) Read my comics
2) Finish my novel that may take years...
3) Update Forum post
4) Sleep and try not to die.
People trying not to die like me.
Are they coping my new years resolution???
Rak0 I was going to add it too but then I dropped the plan. A big NO to thinking about the serious stuff today. Who knows it might just become true if I say that? NOPE. Not happening.
LostInFictions no no dropping its your now. We all living this year. Muahaha.
Rak0 Er I am gonna live for the next couple of years too.
I wish I was immortal.