• Qidian Official
  • Important Notification: There will be no more SS given away after Jan.13th

So this is why all my stones are disappearing at an alarming rate

    This version is not really great.
    Without any SS / coins, it's difficult to read.
    Fastpass gives access to only one chapter, too sad

      Yume97 I really enjoyed having the temporary free chapters. They made for great offline reading.

        WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I don't think the new version is useful for the readers. It is annoying nd forcing the readers to withdraw the app. It demotivate the readers. I loved to read webnovel but the new version forcing me to stop using the app. I hope the webnovel team will consider the readers' point of view and modify the app.

          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL well after this shity update expect your readers to plummet...the expiration of coins is so fast and the miraculously disapearing fast pass and now no free ss.....good job webnovel you just shoot yourself in the foot....ive been here since the first of webnovel when it still free...now i think i gona uninstall and read somewhere else where the novels are free to read...

          SnowFairy yeah the good old days where in the novels are free and free coins are everywhere is gone...

            Veronica8 welp the fast pass is a shit i accumolated 20 fast pass and when i open it just a while ago it became 15 i did not use a fucking fast pass when reading those novels what a bullshit

              MiLfL0VeR is that directed to me or webnovel?

              I don't know how much they intend to give us after the 13th. I wanted to know if there were any changes.

                MiLfL0VeR Fast passes expire after 7 days. The chapters they unlock never expire.

                  Heyyou your right. The old virsion is much more better specially the first one.

                    Heyyou your right. The old virsion is much more better specially the first one.

                      People keep saying you have to pay money for your entertainment...hahahaha. Most of Youtube is free. Network TV is free. It's the era of free entertainment in exchange for attention. Either WN just did not know how to make ads profitable or they just couldn't be satisfied with their earnings from ads and figured overcharging would be a better business model. I dunno, maybe it works in China. But the rest of the world has already gotten used to "free" and no amount of calling customers entitled is going to change that.

                        You guys are not encouraging the readers at all. I still prefer the old ways of ss than this version, moreso I was rewarded 3000coins at the end of the year and I couldn't access it same thing two days ago I got 10coins for reading 30min but it's not reflecting. You are given room for other better competitors, I have gotten alternative anyways

                          You guys are not encouraging the readers at all. I still prefer the old ways of ss than this version, moreso I was rewarded 3000coins at the end of the year and I couldn't access it same thing two days ago I got 10coins for reading 30min but it's not reflecting. You are given room for other better competitors, I have gotten alternative anyways

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