• Qidian Official
  • Important Notification: There will be no more SS given away after Jan.13th

This latest change really affect those who depend on SS to read more. Webnovel is forcing us to buy, and I dont agree with that idea. Sooner or later I will just treat this reading perse with webnovel as pastime.....reading whenever I have nothing to do...or reading according to the qty of free items i get per day.

    silebna10jan If all readers were like you, all authors would drop writing. Is that the outcome you are looking for?

      MotivatedSloth LOL you're so passionate about this when you're the clueless one. Youtube is full of amateurs and professionals. So is Instagram and Facebook and they are all free. I was talking about entertainment, and that includes all sorts of content. Spotify is free if you listen to ads. Kindle Unlimited is a subscription and a pretty good deal where you can read a ton of books by paying a small fee, so unlike this site where it charges so much for a single book with shitty editing and poor grammar. You dare include Netflix and the movies here when those content are professionally made and cost millions of dollars to produce. And guess what, eventually, even movies get shown for free in some venues. Apps like Viu let you watch Asian dramas for free if you watch ads, then you can pay a small fee to get rid of ads if you don't like the interruptions. In terms of quality, the content on this site is more like Youtube, and that's even generous. Plots are repetitive, values are questionable--it's like those afternoon dramas that hook people in but are obviously not known for quality (those dramas get shown on tv for free, fyi).

      There are other reading sites where you can read for free after watching ads and they are not pirate sites so you're the one who should be shutting your pie hole since you want to convince people that they have to pay, pay, pay when there are free options for entertainment. I was just commenting on the general situation, not saying that everything should be free, but I guess you think you know everything about how people can get entertainment. In any case, people know better, that's why there's a lot of talk about leaving.


        ace_cap LOL you're so passionate about this when you're the clueless one.

        And you believe that you are in possition to decide that. Good job!

        ace_cap Youtube is full of amateurs and professionals.

        And amatours earn sht, while proffesionals earn from sponsorship (long ads that you can't avoid and that you will be able to use ONLY if you are big enough) and merch. Ads are just a miniscule addition to their income. I guess you are one of the people that believe that ads are the way for everything without understanding how little you can get from them.

        ace_cap So is Instagram and Facebook and they are all free.

        And they are not platforms bringing revenue to content creators working on them. The only exception is when those companies peronaly aproach the people to offer them a deal, but once again - it's more like sponsorship instead of ads.

        ace_cap I was talking about entertainment, and that includes all sorts of content.

        So if you were talking about human sins, you would put equation mark between stealing a piece of bread from shop when you are hungry and killing millions of people? Nice attempt to generalize, only showcasing how little you know about the real world. Just for your information, youtube is used ONLY as a promotion for big figures there. And this information is straight from the big Polish Rapper - being one of the biggest and most popular group in my country, they earn from concerts. And yes, they put a shitton of cash into their vids, because they are capable of bringing more people to their concerts. That's what YT, Instagram or Facebook essentially are.

        ace_cap Spotify is free if you listen to ads.

        That's why generalzation is bad. Quidian in china is hella cheaper than Webnovel. You know why? Because it has way bigger customer base. So they can afford it. Spotify is only one of the venues in which musicians earn, so the ads might be enough (with insanely big customer base) to pay their dues. Novels are not as popular as music, so is theatre. You can quess why on average, theatre show has more expensive tickets than cinema.

        ace_cap Kindle Unlimited is a subscription and a pretty good deal where you can read a ton of books by paying a small fee,

        Customer base, subscribtion model. Authors there are paid per amout of pages the readers turn when reading their book. That means, it's a fierce competition where only the top dogs earn anything from it. But even with that, amazon is big enough to allow themselves such buisness model.

        ace_cap You dare include Netflix and the movies

        Yes, I dare. You know, in buisness no one care about how much money you put in creating something. Most recent example, "cats" movie. But since movies have way bigger reach, they can bring way bigger revenue. Once again, look up for the same explanation.

        ace_cap And guess what, eventually, even movies get shown for free in some venues.

        No, they are never shown for free. At first, you need to pay for tickets, then you need to pay for dvd or blueray edition, then you pay for them either with taxes in case of public television or in monthly subscribtion if they appear on premium channel. YOu once again show complete lack of understanding how reality works.

        ace_cap Apps like Viu let you watch Asian dramas for free if you watch ads, then you can pay a small fee to get rid of ads if you don't like the interruptions.

        Good point. ASIAN dramas. As far as I know, asian dramas are directed MOSTLY at ASIAN market. They can offer such a good deals on western market because only a miniscule amount of people is interested in them. It's more about pocketmoney for them in that case. It's just like it was all the way back in colonial times. Big powers created insane amounts of product, then sold it for a big prize in other, big countries and then dumped everything in their secondary markets just to pay for the costs.

        ace_cap . In terms of quality, the content on this site is more like Youtube

        No, it's not. Premium novels needs at least some sort of quality, while on youtubue there are loads of content creators that I wouldn't touch with a stick. This is also diffrent kind of entertainment with specific rules to it and most of those content creators are actually rising in popularity thanks to the society created around them. There is like ONE book that shows author's society from discord in a comedic way. How do you want to compare this to youtube? Please, have some self respect and at least THINK ONCE about what you are writing.

        ace_cap Plots are repetitive, values are questionable--it's like those afternoon dramas that hook people in but are obviously not known for quality

        Then why are you here in the first place? FYI, I'm a book freak. I can safely say that I read more of classic and avangarde fantasy than you saw in your life. I noticed this place ONLY when I ran out of the good fantasy to read. And guess what, there is a lot of stories here that are way better than the lower quality books that I read before noticing it. Obviously, reaching the level of the cream top is still a way off dream in my opinion, but all the originals are getting progresivelly better.

        Thats another point you are missing. Webnovel is still in its phase of infancy, maybe the first exposure spike. They are still long way before reaching the established stage like giants of spotify/netflix/youtube size. Like someone said, Poland shouldn't copy the way the western countries work, but should copy the way the western countries worked when they were in possition that Poland currently is. The same happens with Webnovel. I wonder if you saw the big dramas of the past when YT introduced more and more monetization systems on their site...

        ace_cap those dramas get shown on tv for free, fyi

        Once again, you are throughly mistaken. Even if you don't pay for it yourself, your parents pay for it with taxes. And like with everything that is paid by government, they are inherently more expensive than they would be if someone just slapped the prize tag on them.

        ace_cap There are other reading sites where you can read for free

        Mind mentioning? Of course, don't bother me with pirate sites. Because as far as I know, most of the translation groups work on pirated content (even if there are no other translations in place, as long as they do not own the license to translate, they are basically pirating the content).

        Or do you mean other sites with original writing? Watpad? Good luck with that example. Royal Road? It's just a cradle people use to refine their novels before going to amazon, so you won't see any completed books out there in good quanities. I'm waiting for other examples even though it would be hard for me to reply to them because they would be too small and young to judge them. Because well, there is no old sites like them, because in the long run, they won't be able to pay for their costs and for their authors enough.

        Additionally, so far, Webnovel buisness model allows BETTER authors to earn enough to turn it into their full time jobs. Speaking from real life experiences, people with less popular book (not neccesarily worse ones) earn few $ monthly. So we are going back to the point when you want to kill all the good authors because they dare to ask for just renumeration for their craft? Typical entilted kid that has yet to be smacked by real life.

        ace_cap o you're the one who should be shutting your pie hole

        So far, all of your arguments are invalid. I don't think I need to explain what does that means in context of this childish attempt to be rude.3

        ace_cap you want to convince people that they have to pay, pay, pay when there are free options for entertainment.

        There is no such thing as free meal in this world. Charity is based on other people willing to PAY IN YOUR STEAD. Be it with their time or money for supplies. So just like I said in previous post, there is no free entertainment in this world. You are just too dumb to realise how those content creators are making money out of your ass.

        ace_cap you know everything about how people can get entertainment.

        Studying economics and marketing, I believe I had good enough background to speak about such matters. But I guess scientific aproach is hurting people like you, who are trying to convince everyone basing on your emotion of hurt from getting less free stuff, rather than from arguments explaining this case.

        ace_cap people know better, that's why there's a lot of talk about leaving.

        So far, most of those people that "know better" claimed to be leaving for pirate sites. I wonder why? (This is your homework. Use your brain for once and think why people are leaving for pirate sites instead of leaving all together. Hint hint, it might have something with the demand.)

          Invisalats I just realized that there's a Carbon Emission Tax that's paid in some country.

          In some sense, people are paying taxes to breathe in that country. At least breathe eco-friendly air I guess. 😳 All for the environment, but tax for greenhouse emissions /air quality...

            WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I am more preferred the old system than this new update..it is really really troublesome..my ss supposes to be 13++ but now when change to coins it is very fast expiring..n left with 7++ something..quite disappointed when my coin and fast passes disappeared like that

              WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I am more preferred the old system than this new update..it is really really troublesome..my ss supposes to be 13++ but now when change to coins it is very fast expiring..n left with 7++ something..quite disappointed when my coin and fast passes disappeared like that

                MotivatedSloth I will not even bother to go through your essay point by point since you're so determined that you're right. In the meantime, people do know where they can get content (and I'm not just talking about reading material, I am talking about entertainment in its many forms) at whatever quality they are willing to put up with, but it has become increasingly obvious that Webnovel is not the place for good content at a price that most people are willing to pay for. And before you go off writing another essay about what prices people pay, people do pay with their time watching stupid ads or they pay with their money. Sucks for Webnovel that people here prefer to pay with their attention instead of their own money. Too bad they went after a market that was only there because content was free when independent translators were working on these novels. You don't need to go into another lengthy explanation about the history of this site, people get it, but the fact remains that it was free in the beginning, and that's what got many people into it in the first place. People are not as dumb as you assume, many of them just don't have the time or the patience to argue extensively about something like this.

                I don't get where you imply that I am advocating stealing or whatever that was you were trying to say. Oh well. I never said that but if your reading comprehension takes you in that direction, go have fun with it. Anyway, Moboreader is one such site where you can read for free using ads, subscribe per month, or pay per chapter. There are independent translator sites with licensed content. Then, like I said, there's always Youtube, network tv or whatever for entertainment. Of course you will find whatever argument again to say x or y or whatever sucks or does not make money or whatever, in the meantime, the consumers know what they want and are willing to put up with regardless of whatever arguments you can come up with that they should pay since they already pay for a lot of other things. So go ahead, stay on your high horse and keep calling people dumb and entitled. It does not make people sympathetic to your cause, and in the meantime, people are still either leaving or just finding more ways to read here for free.

                  Same here, I think I'll stop reading too and get back to reading the books I have at home I bought a lot I am still yet to read cos I gave my time to reading webnovels

                  Since Im on the phone going to get drunk, i wont bother trying to let you understand reality. Sooner or later life will come and slap your face harder than you can imagine, forcing yoi to either accept the beating or learn the basic of this world to avoid another hit.

                  I never denied that there are ways to spend your time without paying outright. But you keep denying that you can enjoy novels here for free. In other words, people like you will come and leave, not affecting dedicated readers or hardworking authors at all. But from how far you are willing to go in this discussion alone, I can see that you are actually emotionally attached to this site, meaning that you are hurt by the changes.

                  While I understand that when you get something for free and suddenly.its amount decreases, you will be upset and sad. But that simply doesn't mean you are entilted to anything.

                  I won't go as far as to explain that most of the other sites are either pirating or working in short term, because the amount of money they make is simply too small to sustain it. You wouldn't accept the harsh reality anyway.

                  So all I can do is wish that your sites of choosing will last longer than they normally do.

                  And now a quick word of explanation.
                  To improve the quality of the originals, ypu need to pay authors enough to make them improve or improve schemes that will force them to do so. Fast pass (limiting the amount that people can read for free) is one of them, as it greatly increases the competition for readers.

                  If you want to translate new novels or improve the translation of others, you need to pay for it.

                  To improve anything you complain about in wn, ypu need money, and there is simply not enough users to allow you to sustain those increasing costs by ads. They bring just pitiful amount of money. Thats why i think, they are aiming to improve quality now. When it will be done, they might implement other schemes to increase the number of readers. Thats why. Nothing is free in this world.

                    ace_cap Very well said. I hope people will get enlightened on what you said. The concensus are not asking too much, theyre not asking everything for free but to be more flexible with the changes, but we get others who will tell you that there's no free in this world. It sounded so domineering, very butally said without emotions people know this but saying it in your face is truly a face slap. I like how yanyueyue explained everything without really getting free loaders irritated she explains things with respect so to my fellow novel readers check her detailed explanation on the forum. I stopped voicing out my frustrations as I had seen comments from pro WN and how some of them belittle free loaders.

                    uniqueokorie you have to pay for the coins with real world money if you really want to buy them for the prices that they are asking for on WebNovel.

                      uniqueokorie you have to pay for the coins with real world money if you really want to buy them for the prices that they are asking for on WebNovel.

                        Heyyou true. The new version of WEBNOVEL you have to buy coins to read your favorite stories. Fast pass is not enough to enjoy the stories you love. Unlike the older version where you can earns spirit stones easily.

                          Heyyou true. The new version of WEBNOVEL you have to buy coins to read your favorite stories. Fast pass is not enough to enjoy the stories you love. Unlike the older version where you can earns spirit stones easily.

                            Heyyou true. The new version of WEBNOVEL you have to buy coins to read your favorite stories. Fast pass is not enough to enjoy the stories you love. Unlike the older version where you can earns spirit stones easily.

                            WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL at the same time removing daily free 3 random novels. Before I spend more than 1000 mins weekly now hardly finish 900 mins mission.

                              What is the use of reward on reading section if i cannot claim

                                Web Novel Novel Ask