You see, I'm tired of hearing the mantras of people like you (people who use said mantras) and then claiming to be unfairly judged to be naive/misinformed/lacking in knowledge. If you were to hear some kid (just making an example, not implying you are a kid. I personally believe you are someone in late teens but before reaching the adulthood) arguing that there are no numbers lesser than 0 or even that 2+2=5, you will call them silly. But if you see someone on the internet doing the same, then you will be at first flabbergasted, and then angered when they start calling you names while hatefully trying to push their point while not using commonly accepted ways to do so.
My attitude towards you changed when I saw you using those mantras and misconceptions. Why can I speak out about ads? Because I used to manage some sites that earned from them. Why can I speak about ads on youtube? Because there is a great amount of people that explained this topic thoroughly. But what are you offering in your "arguments?"
So far, you are doing one of the four things and compose all your replies with mix of those.
1) Belittling me personally and thus proving that arguments (not sure about the word here, points I'm bringing?) can't be true because such a person like me brought them.
2) Using myths and half-truths. (like, tv is free, other sites are free)
3) Dissing the whole idea of paying for something that used to be illegally stolen and free, then turned to legal and free and after all this time, the rightful owner has the balls to demand some remuneration for their rights/license/hard work.
4) Coming up with something I never said, shoving it down my throat and using it to prove me wrong.
Looking at your post above, let me list out how its constructed.
1 and 4/1/1 and 4/3 and 4 and im too tired to take apart the rest of your sentences.
Look up ignorantio elenchi and ad homiem then look back at your post. You are making classic discussion mistakes that prove that you are using your emotions to argue, not fact.
This aproach to the discussion is way below my bottom line. If you want to recieve any response from me, then please, try to eradicate this kind of arguments from your post, describe in detail the logic behind your reasoning, bring references to the sources and authoritets you can rely upon. Then and only then you will be qualified recieve my response. I simply learned that there is so much better things to do than arguing with people like you in a hard way.
Wish you luck in improving your rhetoric.