My coins didnt even increase but instead it decrease without me using it! Is this what you call to improve reading experience?!┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Important Notification: There will be no more SS given away after Jan.13th
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Where are the Coins I earned from reading? I thought you changed SS to coins... I decided to Consume all my previous coins tHinking that I can earn it back from reading rewards, but until now it's still "0"... what happened to it? where is it now?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Where are the Coins I earned from reading? I thought you changed SS to coins... I decided to Consume all my previous coins tHinking that I can earn it back from reading rewards, but until now it's still "0"... what happened to it? where is it now?
Veykey this is right, I can say that I am also a freeloader not because I want it but because here in my country wages vs. Commodity prices are not equal at all. I love to read but I don't like to spend much on my reading because my wages are just enough for my family needs so I can only rely on free Ss and coins but now with the new version of webnovel even the lenght of my reading cannot get free coins. I can only used internet in my compony premises because its free and I really cannot afford spending so much for my own.
update : new version 4.3.0 works again on IOS 9.3.5
Finally i can get that "Reading Experience" :p
Web novel I really do prefer the old version, this is cause I don't get anything from reading anymore I don't know the use of the points and I don't know how many I have.
I don't like this new version at all. I read free and sometimes I spend when I find a book completed I like I wanna finish but I think the old version was better. This version feels like you get less for your buck and I notice some of the books are turning premium after like 15 chapters. The old version was better this just feels like they want more money.
It'd be much better if instead of points we get coins while reading.. not many are able to buy coins and the ones we have are depleting rapidly. Please consider changing the point system with coins...
It'd be much better if instead of points we get coins while reading.. not many are able to buy coins and the ones we have are depleting rapidly. Please consider changing the point system with coins...
I don't really know how the coin system works. Coins obtained from reading time can not be use to unlock chapters. So, what is it for??
tin39 seriously I hate this new update please bring back the old version it's much better
Reading rewards were changed to points not coins. Points are used in the profile store to buy fast passes (when in stock), discount vouchers and free reading vouchers. Short of the challenging invite a friend task there are no more free coins available through any means currently.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Im reading everyday and all of the novels are lock already the ss is more cheaper than fast past were you could only read 3 chapters a day since you couldn't get anymore from reading.. Please turn back the ss please
I cant even use my fp ..
In your guide i can see the option where i can use it i wasted my whole day just looking for and already unistall and download the app but there is no fcking choices.
ron99 fast pass does not work with privilege chapters
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Pls..bring back the other payment Globe only way of purchasing the I cannot read..
Quite disappointed in new system. Have a hectic months at work and unable to read as much as i used to but still take time to check in everyday despite of being busy just to earn SS. Only to see that my precious SS has been expiring w/o any opportunity in using them. Ive been saving quite alot of SS before this. Not very sure whether to continue w this app or not..currently searching for better channel..any suggestion anyone?
p/s: Quick question..Is there no longer free novel offered in limited time like those days? Used to spent hella time reading those sect in webnovel..and my fav ofc
Quite disappointed in new system. Have a hectic months at work and unable to read as much as i used to but still take time to check in everyday despite of being busy just to earn SS. Only to see that my precious SS has been expiring w/o any opportunity in using them. Ive been saving quite alot of SS before this. Not very sure whether to continue w this app or not..currently searching for better channel..any suggestion anyone?
p/s: Quick question..Is there no longer free novel offered in limited time like those days? Used to spent hella time reading those sect in webnovel..and my fav ofc