Heaven_Dream It is clear, that is, the characters must have their own history, biography, descriptions of height, weight. figures, eye colors, worldviews, political preferences, hobbies. But the question is how to do this? If you just write - blah blah blah about it all, as in the initial reference chapter, will it be very boring? Not interested? What matters to me as a reader, for example, that Yuna-chan loves the Perfume group, there are pancakes with cottage cheese. and doesn't like to eat green onions? It would be much more interesting to me to know what she sells in the flea market and at what price? Where did she find coins for example, and how does local government relate to this? That is, ordinary household information. Well or something like that. Sorry, my English is not very good, the third language. But now I try to write easier to make it more clear.
Thank you for your advice, I'm sorry that I could not immediately answer them. I read yesterday, but after work I was very tired and could not write anything.