So for contest 99 It has to be a love story. But many people wrote there stories like that for contest 97 and 98. Can they just resubmit the same story for this contest then?
Writing prompts contest question
No, a WPC entry must be a new novel.
Well, no. But you can use fusions to make it different from a regular lovey dovey tale
I really wanna ask a question. Last time I created my novel for the 97 or 98 wpc superpowers category. But later, it didn't show up in the contest, why ?
Might've been disqualified, are you sure it was a new creation? Otherwise it should show up in the list.
why cant I find my novel when I use the search engine. It title is The Gadgetist, but when I search that nothing comes up. I published it over two weeks ago.
and as far as power ranking goes How is that measured. One of my stories has a power ranking of 1840 or so. 1840 out of how many, is that ranking any good?
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Scott_Crosswhite Theres a ranking itself for the wpc based on powerstones. U can find it by clicking settings of book on inkstone and clciking detail on wpc. It appears of app home sometimes too I think. Also I read somewhere that winners dont always win. Maybe because disqualifications or like fake accs or author votes r eliminated? idk Im new. Good ranking for all novel is maybe top 100? Considering the ratio of books on WN. While top 10 for wpc since thats the limit of a page?