Premium Service: Deeply picking at a story like how a content editor or literary agent might amend or look at your book’s publishing potential. Since this is above what’s necessary for Webnovel and is also outside of the target/main audience on here, I’m saying I won’t do this because it’s too much effort and time and not appropriate for this site’s reader audience/consumer.
Freemium: What I gave you and everyone so far with my long ass reviews. XD
Free: The short glance reviews I meant to do more of but haven’t actually yet done. XD

In short, the next step/level your story could go to is the critiques and advice offered in what I jokingly called “Premium.” What you have so far is great on Webnovel and any other online serial publishing. I just added a few nitpicks so that I’m not just saying three lines of you’re doing great, nothing to change—which obviously isn’t very helpful lol.

Another way of thinking about it is you reached my bar for online publishing. 😁 So I didn’t feel compelled to go beyond that as it would require mentorship rather than just a review.

    Seventh Story: Urasaria Academy

    Very long chapters, atypical of usual web serial lengths (and more like those of a physical book). The first is like 4-5 of standard chapter lengths on Webnovel. This isn't necessarily bad, but I'll touch on this again later. Later chapters are not as long though.

    Writing Quality: Below Average
    Stability of Updates: Great!
    Story Development: Average
    Character Design: Below Average
    World Background: Poor

    First Chapter---
    Usually, I'm all for jumping right into a story instead of info dumps. While I still believe this to be one of the better techniques for beginning, the caveat is being able to understand what's going on still. For example, if you're starting with a war scene, then you must explain the two sides and the conflict and not just have combat fighting/action and list names without understanding the significance and who's who.

    This is the problem I faced in the first chapter, halfway through. You can keep this jump-right in beginning, but more details need to be threaded through sections to explain:

    1) what a Revenant is and the whole conflict about them (I read the synopsis and understood a little better, but a story synopsis never should be in place of actual clarification/information in a book);
    2) Urasaria and what exactly everyone's doing there by catching other revenants, like what purpose/founded by for what reason, what makes one person with a Revenants allowed to attend versus those indicted as criminals;
    3) and the world background of this world, the laws, the people, culture, society, make it envisionable, how this and Revenants came to be about, etc.

    Additionally, way too many characters introduced when Mia arrived at Urasaria. It was very difficult keeping track of who's who, what they do, their potential significance in the story, what they said. Only Aimee I sort of followed due to her speaking and interacting with Mia the most.

    With that said, I found Aimee's character to be inconsistent. She's the top of the school, yet she has many verbal pauses, aka "um", while she speaks to Mia. I'm guessing because many female Revenants are lesbians, Aimee is attracted to Mia. But if so, then her nervousness cannot just be conveyed by her dialogue. And this goes for all characters too. More gestures and "context" in between dialogue is necessary. It's partly due to so much back and forth dialogue between multiple characters that also made it so hard to follow. However, you are skilled in creating the dialogue itself, even if feels like too much at times because of this.

    Also, for every kind of relationship, usually it's not "love at first sight" or "I want to (beep) you/get in your pants" unless said person is not using their upper brain as much as they should. You can have love at first sight, but it's very tricky to make it well done without making it feel unrealistic and cringey. In your case, this could be more successfully accomplished with more in-between words outside dialogue such as inner thoughts, noticing of gestures and features that are attractive, etc. Otherwise, it'll feel contrived or superficial.

    In the next half of the chapter, I roughly made up and grasped what a Revenant is, but I'm still lacking background on it. This leads to what I see is the main issue of your story so far. It's the execution of the plot. The pace is fine, but it's too dialogue heavy, resulting in almost a script for a theater piece rather than a story for a book. Thus, many details for settings, world background, and even the personalities, thoughts, and feelings of characters are greatly left out. This isn't at all ideal for a book, and considering so many characters are introduced at once, I can imagine it'll become overwhelming or frustrating for some readers, especially since the chapter is very long, so the struggle of understanding everything feels very drawn out.

    Back to the dialogue, you're generally good at crafting the dialogue, the part in quotes. But all the stuttering is a little much. I know Mia is very sky and awkward, but unless she has some medical condition that causes to stutter in basically every sentence, then I really don't see the logical reason for expressing that awkward quality through stuttering. Honestly, if it weren't for the stutters, she sounds and acts like another other normal person. If you want to really describe her as shy and awkward, then you must do so through other means besides mainly dialogue. This again goes back to the more context in-between dialogue point I mentioned previously.

    For the writing correctness itself, it's generally fine. But there is some odd phrasing that makes me do a double take and re-read in order to piece together what's trying to be said. Also, the frequent cutting of sentences such as in the fighting/testing scene with Mia's new Revenant makes it a little disjointed to read. Usually, dashes are more for important inclusions within a sentence, or a dramatic cutting off. Here, I found it to be used more like in place of "then." Lastly, the punctuation is often incorrect such as with "Sweet." said Name. instead of "Sweet," said Name. or "Sweet." Said Name.

    In short, you have an interesting story idea going, but you lack the necessary information for readers to latch onto and understand those ideas. By including more settings, background, gestures/movements, and inner descriptions of characters' while also organizing their introductions in a more batch by batch way and not all at once, I think you'll have an intriguing and more successful story that draws more readers in and retains them.

    I thought about continuing to chapter 3 as you mentioned, but doing so wouldn't change everything that I stated above because this is based on suggesting proper writing and story technique in order to compel readers to read and continue. I didn't have a problem with the plot, just the execution of writing this story, and reading a nice scene between Mia and Hirogane in chapter 3 isn't going to change my opinion. The first chapter is the most important in a story, and since my review is getting long, I'm just advising on this first chapter alone.

    You're doing great with outputting and writing a lot, so keep it up! I hope this review can help you if you ever decide to revise your first story draft.

    Good luck!

      Updated Recommendations list post [unknown] plus added hot buttons to reviews for anyone's future reference.

      Hm, only 10 (though -1 for having read one before this forum post, so only 9 new) books read and 7 stories reviewed so far. Not great, but it's too slow because so many reviews end up being longer than I intended. XD

      But now I feel I obligated to give everyone up next in line the more detailed (nit-picky lol) review. Meh, we'll see how this goes.


        I'm sure many have asked already so if you've got the time, I'd like to add my novel to the pile of novels already put out there. Who knows, maybe it's the novel for you. ;)
        I am struggling with getting reviews or comments so I can't really tell if people are actually enjoying my novel or not so far. But your reviews thus far are really impressive and full of good criticism. It'll more than help out.

        My novel is about a dominant female lead with a coming of age male lead to fight against her. How will it all go down. XD

        Thanks for the help!!


        Tags : Dominate female, romance, undercover, celebrity, humor, coming of age


          Azzack Not getting many comments and organic reviews is common until you hit a (few) hundred thousand views as an original story. So don’t worry too much about that.

          It’ll be some time until I get to yours down the list, so continue to keep writing until then.

            Chryiss A pleasant evening. Since you decided to bring me back on the list, I was wondering what my number on the queue is? 🙂

              Chryiss Thanks! Good to know. It's probably going to be a LONG time before it gets to a few hundred thousand views.
              The dashboard in Webnovel is really difficult to understand as well. I wish it told me the exact number of readers per chapter every month or so, so I know which ones are reread the most. It'll give me a bigger picture of the type of chapters they like.

              But I'm okay with it not being popular for now. Don't want to be too pressured. I just want more honest feedback.
              I don't work as a writer full time so obviously my update schedule isn't as frequent compared to others so update speed might be the biggest problem. But I have written a few chapters ahead. The next few chapters are, at least in my opinion, quite entertaining so until I release them, please take your time reviewing the others ;)

                Azzack Yeah Inkstone’s stats can be a tad overwhelming and confusing, trying to pick out the useful relevant data.

                It’ll take some time, but maybe not as long as you might think if you update consistently. My first novel on here in one year has nearly 200k views, and this was from once a week updates at best with a whole lot of silence and long hiatuses. It’s also been “dropped” (on this site only) for the last few months too.

                And that’s hood to stockpile. Consistency takes priority over frequency/speed if you ever find yourselves short on chapters and time to write new ones. Pace yourself and you’ll organically grow.

                  Chryiss hahaha alright, whatever floats your boat. You sure have a long list of stories to review. Take your precious time and stay healthy 😉.


                    I hadn't realised. Sorry, It's just that i can't remember which ones I've posted to already.

                      Late to the party as always. But please give mine a look, I love reading constructive criticism since I would really like to improve my writing. Please feel free to stab :P I used to ask my friends to make my papers bleed.... xD

                      It's a Sci-Fi Romance and it's also the first novel I've written that's seen the light of day lol


                      @Chryiss (Should have tagged you when I posted :')

                        Chryiss that’s one of the most reassuring reviews, even though it hasn’t actually been reviewed, that I’ve read yet! ❤️
                        Yeah sure people give ‘reviews’ but I’m never sure how much I should take out of it. The thing most mentioned though is my update speed. It really makes me worried. I went on hiatus once due to having to move states. But after that I’ve been trying to be consistent. 2 chapters a week at most or 1 chapter If I’m extra busy.
                        But of course the speed still bites me. Is my story actually progressing? No one is giving me proper criticism besides mentioning the speed. 🤦‍♀️
                        I don’t actually want to be too fast. I feel like I’ll tire myself out and start posting chapters that I’m not actually satisfied with.
                        You’ve given me hope 😭
                        I still mean it when I say take your time with the reviews. I’m sure everyone wants good criticism

                        Thank you!

                        StenDuring LOL, I remember this guy. xD It’s one of the few covers I made that’s actually decent.

                        Yes, pure magic systems, like even in advent of the mage, are rare.

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