2.0 version launch! New ranking and experience points system release!
kulmai now that you said that... Even if I know someone who like to read... They only speak Indonesian. Hahaha
Veldora exactly what I experienced and was asked to not spend more time with mobile phones and play carrom with'em (where I always loose BTW)
Nou welp I took my father's phone created a new Gmail account installed Qidian and clicked that invitation link. Hehe this is how we secluded cultivators work. Now I get spirit stones from Android and pc everyday that's 12*4= 48 spirit stones for ya (one before 9pm one after 9pm - India) Good riddance to boring Ads
TheLonerLion It's the same in India (atleast with my friends circle)
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Really? Random number of spirit stones for daily login. The only reason I daily force myself to click that check-in button is because of 12 spirit stones you offer and now I will only get 12 if I am lucky(with my luck being horrible my entire life)...
What about multiple accounts? There's 0 rules or guidelines for that. I mean would anything stop me from copying the link, logging out and using the link for another profile?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Do imaginary friends count?
Peacecraft If they do, the spirit stones and xp will be rolling in for me
If we can buy and trade/send/receive spirit stones, it would be better. Create an online web-browser game with spirit stones as premium currency that can also be earned in game.
And For those wondering, @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL returned every single spirit stone I was erroneously charged for, along with additional spirit stones as a gift for the inconvenience.
You're missing out on free spirit stones... You forgot the check-in with the mobile website.
there's the actual pc-website: www.webnovel.com
then there's the mobile page: m.webnovel.com (that you can access by typing that into your browser, or use your phone to visit that page on your favorite mobile browser)
And then there's the App checkin.
OH then thanks for the info Nou
kulmai Ahh... oh....
Ermahgerd we (including TheLonerLion ) are 3 of a kind.
Why are we separated by oceans? I'm from the Philippines lol.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Can't finish the new missions 'Complete your profile' and 'Activate email' because i'm using Google+ account... I would like to sign up for a Webnovel.com account but don't want to start from scratch, so can you allow us to open a Webnovel.com account with the same email that we use with Google+ and synch the account with that email?
TheLonerLion So True. Is also a unusual thing to read chinese novels in my country...or to liked anything from the Asia culture...
- Edited
Peacecraft Jajaja, that is funny and sad...