Hi my fellow WN community,

im the author of Emperor of Kings (i wont post the link and spam to get banned by yue bot) but im not posting this to talk about my novel or anything

As most of you know we release our novel chapter by chapter in WN and every chapter takes tedious editing process self-reading grammar fixing.I don't have anyone to do those things other than myself also I'm just a student so i can't afford one.

So my question to the WN community => is there any threads or anything to get help from other more experienced writers? it's not that I want to make them do my job rather than just help me with some doubts when i need or help me write a good description of the things in my novel world.

sometimes i couldnt write what's in my imagination because of my language skills so it would be great for someone help me in that time just by giving me some pointers

again im not asking for review swap im asking for help

    don_offl sometimes i couldnt write what's in my imagination because of my language skills so it would be great for someone help me in that time just by giving me some pointers

    The best thing for this. Use a basic word to convey the feeling first. Seriously. Keep it simple. It's better to keep the writing simple to get the message across than try to go flowery and derail the story.

    The pitfall for new writers is that they try to use words they don't have any connection or experience with yet. So it's better to write a meaningful paragraph with the word usage you already know. You'd be surprised at what you do know too.

    Also, a good exercise for learning more word usage is crossword puzzles. I learned the English language more by doing lots of these. You can also build up your skills by looking up the work in the thesaurus and see if there is one similar that represents the feeling better.

    Maybe links on this post could help with the craft https://forum.webnovel.com/d/35295-writing-tips-tricks-and-resources

    Also, https://ywp.nanowrimo.org/ there's some stuff on Nanowrimo page that's really insightful. It might help. It's all free too. Added the resource page: https://ywp.nanowrimo.org/pages/writer-resources

      I think I created a thread where I linked John Truby's videos, back in December. His advice and writing tips are extremely helpful, especially for me.


      Might want to check it out if you have trouble writing. There is no doubt that Truby is a master story teller with a lot of experience in the screenwriting industry (but storytelling techniques remain the same, no matter what medium you use). I hope this helps!

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