xayeno9642 yeah, it was pretty cool until I decided to publish it, now I'm not so sure anymore (it's scary)
Writing a book
Hey, I know I'm a little late to the party but I just wanted to throw in my two cents. First off, welcome to the writing world. I remember when I started my first series (Here on webnovel) and to be honest I really loved writing and coming up with a big plot, however at some point that fire in me died. After writing 80k on my first story and leaving it off unfinished, I quit writing for a few months and eventually something sparked in me.
I started coming up with a story in my mind. A different story which was much more.... intimately planned. I thought and thought and thought, created characters, a world, a plot, and all sorts of stuff.
It was then that I decided screw it. I'm going to write again.
So I did.
I can't say my work is a success in terms of viewership. However, in terms of what I have created- I can absolutely say it is a complete success. I am 16 volumes into writing what will end as a 20(ish) volume work, with an ending that I already have prepared, and I honestly cannot tell you enough how much fun I had writing my series (And continue to do so! I'm not quite done yet even if I'm getting close!)
Anyways, here is my advice.
If you truly love your story, your characters, your plot, then write.
It's something which not many do, and it saddens me to think that not many will ever understand the thrill of when all the pieces come together in a storyline.
Don't be discouraged by the viewership. And don't ever think 'oh my idea's are bad, I suck at writing'
Writing is a skill and a process.
I cannot tell you how the quality of my writing has improved from my first volumes of my series.... part of the reason why perhaps my story is not so popular.
Hone that skill. Continue pressing forward. This comes from a man who has written over a million words, and continues to write daily.
ow, thanks
as for me writing a e book is a really difficult process and you need to be purposeful and diligent to finish it
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Thank you so much!
Clowniac this is what sane people reply.
Pin this, people. Don't let your own foolishness to blind yourself from truth. Nothing is easy. Author, be it successful or not, work hard. Even with years of experience, all it took might be just a bad comment to break him or her down.
I'm glad I am able to see such a reply here in this forum. It speaks out everything in an authors mind. (I was in the same state and regretfully, I ended up going back to a blank slate because of disappointment. Wish I saw this reply before I stopped writing. )
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Scarlett_Emerson publishing my chapters would be best it gives ur book time to grow and keeps ur readers in suspense
Write as you see fit. And if you feel in doubt about the text or its wording, google a resource where you can get advice. But still, I wish you luck and inspiration for writing your book.
I also published my book as a teenager, it was so hard for me to write and publish but then I found https://mermaidpublishers.com/ they assist me to publish my book, and now my book is the best seller.
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That's a great recommendation. After reading it, I realized what I was doing wrong. So far, the help writing papers is helping me, where I always get expert help. This is reflected in the improvement of my writing skills.
So... I published a book - a mermaid's fake love, it's been days now and no one is reading it. What to do?