Gibbs what if u be a man and try to know her first before asking her out??
Less chances of a no

    Kiiirtsky If you can't rape her. And she's not attracted to you then if it is not a problem with your psychically. You should stalk her and learn a way to connect so she gets the impression your soul mates.

      zswaleh First impression is important. Try to avoid the friend zone from the beginning and make your intentions clear. Unless you have zero self confidence then better start from friend zone.

        Kiiirtsky Fiest tells us what's your position. How do you want advice when you don't know who your giving it to.

          Shivaniii I was talking about the guy you were encouraging. Your mentioned inside () to be ignored.

            Klepar People would kill themselves from boredom, anything else?

              Klepar what if people just don't know how to ease their boredom so they created a thread as a solution.

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