Regnov aghhh....(╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
I'm not a fan of neverending stories...
(。☬0☬。) i might die before knowing the ending first. While it might be fun to have your favourite story to have many chapters, you can see your favourite MC's adventure and not have to worry about rushed ending. Just enjoying the roller coaster of emotion by reading the story.. spending your free time just reading.. watching them getting stronger, meeting new people, losing friends and family, but then creating a new one.. making lot of memories along the way.. facing betrayal and hatred again, but to never give up. To see his personal belief shaken by others opinion, having someone to support him...
How exciting.
But i might cried along the way. So yeah... I avoid most of the long chapters stories.
Also.. most of the story with long chapters are not suit to my taste.
So.... Any recommendations??