Hello there, the thing is I changed my name from the old one. but when I release a new chapter of my novel, the name which appears at the section of the last update still my old name.
is there a way for my new name to appear since I will stick with it all the time.
even now, my old avatar pic is the one shown here, not the new one :\
I changed my name but the old one still shown
LazySpaceTurtle those are the site cookies. Delete the WN ones and you should be good
Thanks for your replay. I deleted it but nothing changes for my pic.
will see what happens when I publish a new chapter tomorrow. : ))
Lilliny Welp, another update :D
I deleted all my cookies and yeah it's now all clear. many thanks.
LazySpaceTurtle It's not a bug but because of browser cache that takes time to update due to caching policies and all that.
@yaoyueyi No bugs reported.