• Questions
  • Aside from forbidden to use cn/emoji, what else do I need to know as an author?


Lol. Thant's no problem.

When i say emoji, i mean like 😣😔😌😤
or any other alien character like 🎉❤️🎶🎊

In my case, i used a single Cn character, and boom a hour later i found the votes in my book were reset and the book was disappeared from my personal character page.

    BlaccLotus Oohh. But the emojis I used earlier have alien characters too don't they?

    Oh, oh wait. I'm having a light bulb moment.

    What if I wrote a story but it's not like a novel. What if I used the little characters as faces for the novel's characters. Like one face is one person and have them interact like that?

    Writing that out, it sounds a bit confusing but like this:

    (●ˇ∀ˇ●) : Hi everyone! Are you ready to dive?
    (ˉ﹃ˉ) : Not really but sure, I bet Hanman's not ready yet.

    Across the room, Hanman was desperately trying to stuff four sets of clothes into her small bag.

    (ง •_•)ง : I~t's not fitting! Help me Durk!

    Walking over to her solemnly, Durk used one hand to shove the clothes in. For a moment, everything was compressed inside but suddenly the stitching on the bag burst open.

    (ง ••)ง : !! Durk!
    (´ー∀ー`) : ... sorry...
    (ง •
    •)ง : Wh-pu-ah...
    (●ˇ∀ˇ●) : Ready Hanman?

    Hanging her head, Hanman walked towards the exit.

    (ง •_•)ง : ...yeah.

    Writing this out, maybe it's not a great idea. The emoji faces could ruin tense moments. Oh well, it was a fun venture!



      He'll get you whitelisted, but to be sure the system doesn't flag you again be sure to change those characters now ahead of his seeing this thread

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