June 2020: Review Swap Here
TheViking5500 mrmrcia's has the most robust vocabulary of any story I've read here. Great detail and writing, also a very immersive tale.
hi this is brandon gould i am the writter of the Tylingariea Epic i would like to do a Review Swap with you
this is my link
the book is currently in the process of being edited so the version that is on Webnovel is not the final version keep that in mind when you give your review
i would like any advice that you can give that will help me in my writing and any feedback will be very helpful in the process of editing
Hi hi, I Wana do a review swap with you. If your deal.
Hi my name is brandon gould the writer of the Tylingariea Epic i would like to do a review swap with you
this is my link my book is a fantasy sci fi book
the book is currently being edited so the version that is on webnovel is not the final version just keep that in mind when making your review
i would like any advice you can give that will help with my writing and any feedback will be helpful in the editing process
my review will be up shortly
my review is done
hi my name is brandon Gould i am the writer of the tylingariea epic i would like to do a review swap with you
this is my link
the book is currently being edited and the version that is on Webnovel is not the final version
i would like any advice that will help me with my writing and any feedback will help with the editing process
my review will be up shortly
Brandongould94 hey brandon I will read and review yours but with that many chapters it's going to take me some time
Hi! Interested for a review swap with me?
If yes, reply to this post.
Here's my novel:
Title:HIGH Academy:The truth untold
CatSnitch Hi would love to do a RS with you if you're interested!
Here's mine:
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minho_Shiny HI! sorry! I'll read yours and post a review soon. I completely forgot.
I'll post a review as soon as possible!. Please bear with me. I tend to be forgetful at times.
Already done with your review, neaht3 . Sorry If It's late, something came up. Gonna wait patiently for yours
Want to review swap with me, brothers?
Title: Monillas: A Human Garbage
EldritchTheDead Would you like to do a review swap with me?
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Hi authors, anyone wants to do a review swap ?? Comment and let me know guys.
here is mine :
Genre: Sci-fi
I reviewed your story! Pretty good so far
Blackcrust Hi! Care to have an RS with me?
mrmrcia yeah sure.