Chainslock Sure thing, I'll read your book and I'll post my review after you did mine
Title: Monillas
Chainslock Sure thing, I'll read your book and I'll post my review after you did mine
Title: Monillas
restful_sins let's review swap me big
Lazy_leon hey i found you again.
Review swap here is link to my novel for review =>(
Reply with link if interested and i will review your novel asap.
Here's mine! Ty in advance
Title: In The Name of Life
Mandeep_Singh_780 Hello I reviewed your novel, I would appreciate it if you did the same.
Hereβs mine:
Mandeep_Singh_780 hahaha. It's because we on the same page
Mrs_Taxi ok working on it will review soon. it will take time i have to read at least 8 chapter for review.
Mirilidan hell yeah
Maryixxx I am working on it will post review same. now i started reading will post review soon
Hi! would anyone like to do a review swap with me?
If you're interested reply to this.
Here's mine
Here's mine! Ty in advance
Title: In The Name of Life
Here's mine! Ty in advance
Title: In The Name of Life
Maryixxx I completed my review. Nice writing but it made a feel depressed.
Maryixxx I completed my review. Nice writing but it made a feel depressed.
Mandeep_Singh_780 It was an entry for WPC, and so I followed the theme. But, thank you so much for the review
Mandeep_Singh_780 It was an entry for WPC, and so I followed the theme. But, thank you so much for the review
Mrs_Taxi sure! what's your book?
Chainslock Your book was really fantastic. Please take care of my samuel.
honeybee43 Thank you
honeybee43 Thank you
mrmrcia You're welcome. He'll always be safe and sound.
mrmrcia You're welcome. He'll always be safe and sound.
Maryixxx well i did't said its bad just made me little depressed but not everyone is me.
I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks though
I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks though
Want a review swap with me?
Title: Monillas: A Human Garbage
YoungOneStories Of course, review the chapter from 9 to 11. 3 in total. here the link until you reply i will start reading your novel. Here is the link=> (
EldritchTheDead. Gladly heres mine
Title : War-torn: The reborn
EldritchTheDead. Gladly heres mine
Title : War-torn: The reborn
Mandeep_Singh_780. Would you like to review swap?
If so mine is
War-torn: The reborn
Mrs_Taxi fuc fuck fuck i forget about the review i will review soon as possible
I already did your books. I'm going to wait for yours
Title: Monillas: A Human Garbage
Mandeep_Singh_780 Wait, I messed up. I already read until Chapter 8 then reviewed yours, then I saw this message. Oh life, Wait, I'm going to rewrite
EldritchTheDead I want to!!!
Title: Monillas: A Human Garbage
I'm going to read yours after I'm done with something
YoungOneStories ok nice i was going to read your novel but i had like 18 notification and got confused now all is sorted out i will write review soon
restful_sins yeah sure i am review other novel for now as soon i am done i will review your novle
YoungOneStories no dont its fine. I know it head ache to review so many novel relax man